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  • patrol car;patrol wagon
  1. 他从后视镜中看见公路巡逻车闪烁的车灯。

    He saw the flashing lights of the highway patrol car in his driving mirror .

  2. 巡逻车鸣着警笛驶近了。

    The patrol car approached , its siren screaming .

  3. 高速公路旁将安装仿真巡逻车以威慑那些超速驾车者。

    Dummy patrol cars will be set up beside motorways to frighten speeding motorists

  4. 持枪歹徒朝警察的巡逻车开火,两名警察被打死。

    Two policemen were killed when gunmen opened fire on their patrol vehicle .

  5. 巡逻车在街上守候,防暴警察也在一旁待命。

    There were patrol cars on the streets and riot police standing by in reserve .

  6. VRML技术实现数字电动巡逻车的三维场景动态设计

    Realization of Dynamic Design on Electric Prowl Car in 3D Environment Based on VRML

  7. 美国执法部门消息人士告诉CNN记者威尔森的枪上发现了布朗的血迹。同样在出事的巡逻车和警服上也发现了血迹。

    U.S. law enforcement sources told CNN Brown 's blood was found on the Wilson 's gun , inside Wilson 's patrol car and on his uniform .

  8. 然后他帮忙把j.r.扶上巡逻车,我们把他带回来了。

    Then he helped j.r.back to the squad car , and we brought him back here .

  9. 一辆巡逻车是在星期四凌晨1点25分发觉它的。

    A patrol car spotted it at one twenty-five Thursday morning .

  10. 一辆巡逻车的仪盘表摄像头拍到了这一过程。

    A patrol car dashboard camera caught the incident on tape .

  11. 请在原地别动,巡逻车马上就来。

    Stay there , the patrol car will come at once .

  12. 巡逻车的后备箱轻轻松松就全装下了。

    It all fit easily into the trunk of the cruiser .

  13. 桑德斯,让你的肥屁股做到巡逻车里去。

    Saunders , get your fat ass into a cruiser .

  14. 比利,我这区有巡逻车吗?

    Billy , you got a cruiser in my area ?

  15. 警察乘着一辆没有标志的黑色巡逻车来了。

    The police came in a black unmarked patrol car .

  16. 我走开以后,把这些巡逻车全都拖走。

    When I do , tow those cruisers out of the way .

  17. 警察将那些流浪者强行推入巡逻车中。

    The police hustled the tramps into the patrol car .

  18. 25号巡逻车正在城西追捕一辆黑色小货车

    Car 25 in pursuit of a black Navigator . West bound .

  19. 经理立刻打电话报警,警察派了四辆巡逻车来。

    The manager immediately called the police , who promptly dispatched four cruisers .

  20. 一辆州警察巡逻车撞上了一辆救火车。

    A state police cruiser was involved in a collision with a firetruck .

  21. 那里有一辆巡逻车,还有另外一辆车。

    A patrol wagon was there , and another .

  22. 能把巡逻车停在后面吗?

    Could the patrol cars Park in the back ?

  23. 两分钟之内,我们的巡逻车会过去。

    We 'll have a patrol car there in less than two minutes .

  24. 查理开着巡逻车来接我,

    Charlie was waiting for me with the cruiser .

  25. 我看到那巡逻车停下来。

    I saw that city-lookir car pull up .

  26. 有辆公路巡逻车在旁边停了下来。

    A highway patrol car drew up alongside .

  27. 昨天的新闻报道一位警官在巡逻车里自杀了。

    Yesterday , the news said that an officer killed himself in patrol car .

  28. 跟一辆巡逻车在外面待命。

    And a cruiser outside to stand watch .

  29. 我走到窗前看出去,发现巡逻车已经开走了。

    I went to look out my window , and the cruiser was gone .

  30. 巡逻车在空荡荡的街道上慢慢前行。我小心谨慎地转向埃尔吉。

    The patrol car inched down the empty street and I turned cautiously toward Elgie .