
xún shì yuán
  • inspector;floor walker
  1. 马尔的车在路上抛了锚,AA巡视员1个小时后才到达。

    Mal 's car had broken down en route and the AA patrolman had taken an hour to arrive .

  2. 美国苹果公司(Apple)昨天在欧洲遭受打击。挪威权力庞大的消费者巡视员裁定,苹果的iTunes网上音乐商店在挪威属于非法,因为它不允许用苹果竞争对手的设备播放下载的歌曲。

    Apple was dealt a blow in Europe yesterday when Norway 's powerful consumer ombudsman ruled that its iTunes online music store was illegal because it did not allow downloaded songs to be played on rival technology companies ' devices .

  3. 检查员、巡视员的团体。电视机全套检测仪器

    A body of inspectors . TV complete checking instrument

  4. 我们接受了巡视员的巡察。

    We received a visit from the inspector .

  5. 百货商店中监督店员、协助顾客等的巡视员。

    An employee of a retail store who supervises sales personnel and helps with customer problems .

  6. 检查员、巡视员的团体。

    A body of inspectors .

  7. 英国采用的金融巡视员制度是实现该项监管目标的重要制度之一。

    The Financial Ombudsman system in UK is one of the important systems to achieve such regulatory target .

  8. 夏山学校赢下了官司,而在最近一份由政府巡视员2007年出具的报告中,获得了压倒性的好评。

    Summerhill won , and its last report from government inspectors , in 2007 , was overwhelmingly favourable .

  9. 小偷假扮成煤气公司的巡视员而得以进入大楼。

    The thief greed entry to the building in the disguise of an inspector from the gas company .

  10. 省劳动保障厅巡视员张德佑主持会议,厅长矫学柏作重要讲话。

    Province labor ensures hall floorwalker Zhang Deyou to moderate , office grows Jiao Xuebai to make important speech .

  11. 浅述英国金融巡视员制度与消费者权益保护&兼论对我国金融监管的借鉴

    On Financial Ombudsman System in UK and Protection of Consumers ' Rights and Interests & comment on our financial regulations

  12. 你失掉了几辆救护车和人员,好比一个百货店的铺面巡视员,在火灾中损失了他那一部门的货色。

    You had lost your cars and your men as a floorwalker loses the stock of his department in a fire .

  13. 作为首席执行官,除非你有专门搜集意见的机制,比如热线电话或是巡视员,否则你永远不能了解全部真相。

    As CEO , you 'll never know the full truth unless you have mechanisms like hotlines and ombudsmen in place for seeking opinions .

  14. 路产巡视员:对路产造成的损坏,按规定您需要赔偿。这是记录,请您确认后签字。

    According to the rule , you have to pay for the damages . This is the investigation record . Please confirm and sign here .

  15. 这就是我为什么被高速公路上的巡视员拦下来的原因。“难道你没有看一下时速表吗?”,警官说。

    Which is how I got pulled over by a highway patrolman . " Don 't you ever look at the speedometer ?" the officer scolded .

  16. 上述巡视员已经给苹果公司设下最后期限,要求该公司在10月1日之前向其它科技公司开放相关代码,以符合挪威的法律要求。

    The ombudsman has set a deadline of October 1 for the Apple to make its codes available to other technology companies so that it abides by Norwegian law .

  17. 他以军事化的管理来运作这个俱乐部,指定他自己为管理者、裁判、饲养巡视员(译者:值得我们学习呀!)

    He ruled the club as a military man would run his troops , appointing himself breeding master , judge , breed inspector and arbiter of all things German Shepherd .

  18. (民政部副巡视员)吴明称,在修正草案中,“精神慰藉”一章得以强化,规定家庭成员不得在精神上忽视或者孤立老年人,独立生活的子女应该经常回家看望父母。

    Wu said spiritual consolation is emphasized in the chapter that family members cannot mentally ignore or isolate the aged , and children who live independently should often visit their parents .

  19. 期间中央巡视员曾两次巡视,对湖州地区党的工作作了具体指导,使党的工作有所加强。

    Twice during its existence the inspectors from the Central Committee made their rounds and rendered specific instructions on the Party 's work in Huzhou , which was greatly strengthened accordingly .

  20. 五月提交的第一个拟让消费者事务司授权巡视员强制执行一个鲜为人知的州法律,要求店主用英语标志商店的名称。

    One , introduced in May , would authorize inspectors with the city Department of Consumer Affairs to enforce a little-known state law that requires businesses to display their names in English .

  21. 通往东京东北部的部分常磐铁路干线和常磐地区的一段高速公路被预先关闭了,因为道路巡视员担心它们无法承受此次破坏。

    Part of the Japan Railways Joban line to the northeast of Tokyo and a section of a highway in the Joban region were shut down as precautions as inspectors looked to see if they sustained damage .

  22. 官媒新华社发表了一篇对交通部运输服务司巡视员徐亚华的访谈。他在访谈中表示:“它作为一个关系人民群众出行安全的重要服务性行业,我们制定必要的市场准入条件和服务规范也是必须的。”

    In an interview published by Xinhua , the official news agency , ministry inspector Xu Yahua said that " as a key service industry , it is necessary to have a set of industry admittance regulations . "