
  1. 双金属锯带生产线中的PLC控制技术

    PLC control technology in bi - metal saw strip production line

  2. 双金属锯带生产线控制系统

    Design of Control Systems in Bi-metal Saw Strip Production Line

  3. 双金属锯带高压电子束连续焊接生产线技术

    Production line for bimetal saw strip electron beam continuously welding

  4. 因此,专用于双金属锯带焊接的高压电子束连续焊接生产线,成为解决这一技术难题的关键设备。

    The special production line for bimetal saw strip electron beam continuously welding becomes the key equipment of solving the problems .

  5. 双金属锯带生产涉及的技术面广、所用设备复杂、综合技术难度大,需要采用高压电子束焊接才能满足双金属锯带焊缝成型的要求。

    To produce the bimetal saw strip is with the complicated technologies and equipment , which need to adopt high-voltage electron beam welding to meet the high requirement in fine seam .