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  • 网络Double Island;Twin Island;Two Islands
  1. 双岛黏骨膜瓣修复不完全性腭裂

    Repairing incomplete cleft palate with double island mucoperiosteal flap

  2. 双岛粘骨膜瓣修复不完全性腭裂的初步报告

    The Initial Report On Repairing Incomplete Cleft Palate With Double Island Mucoperiosteal Flap

  3. 髂骨肌联合腹内斜肌一蒂双岛瓣在颌面复合缺损重建中的应用

    Application of Free Iliac Flap Combined M-obliquus-internus-abdominis in Maxillofacial Reconstruction

  4. 双岛结构多晶硅压力传感器削角补偿技术的研究

    The study on corner undercutting compensation of TWIN-ISLE structure polysilicon pressure sensor

  5. 微型双岛硅膜制作中的削角补偿方法研究

    Study on the Method of Corner Undercutting Compensation in Fabricating Micro Twin-island Silicon Diaphragm

  6. 两种双岛状皮瓣修复拇示指皮肤套状缺损的疗效比较

    Therapeutic effect comparison of repairing digit degloving injury with two kinds of double island flap

  7. 详细讨论了双岛结构多晶硅压力传感器制作过程中的一种微机械加工技术。

    This paper mainly discusses a micromachining technology used during the fabrication of the twin isle structure polysilicon pressure sensor .

  8. 目的:评价中环指双岛状皮瓣重建拇指的远期疗效。

    Objective : To evaluate the long term effect of thumb reconstruction with double island flaps from middle and ring fingers .

  9. 地球上有两组大小约略相同、位置相对或者说相距最为遥远的双岛。

    There are two double islands , roughly the same size , positioned at each other 's antipodes , or farthest-distant point .

  10. 在双岛国家——安提瓜和巴布达那个面积较小的岛屿上,由6栋小屋组成的巴布达百丽酒店,于6月在一片蜿蜒17英里的未开发粉色沙滩上盛大开业。

    On the smaller partner in the two-island nation of Antigua and Barbuda , the six-bungalow Barbuda Belle opened in June on a 17-mile undeveloped stretch of pink sand beach .

  11. 方法采用双岛粘骨膜瓣修复5例不完全性腭裂,将两个粘骨膜瓣分别置于软腭的口、鼻腔面,延长软腭;

    Methods Five cases were repaired with double island mucoperiosteal flap . Two island mucoperiosteal flap were transferred to the oral side of soft palate and nasal side of soft palate respectively in order to prolonging soft palate .

  12. 两层双柱岛式地铁车站结构水平向非线性地震反应分析

    Analysis of nonlinear earthquake response of two-layer double-column subway station structure

  13. 双皮岛游离腓骨复合组织瓣重建口腔颌面部洞穿性缺损的临床分析

    Clinical analysis of reconstruction of the through-and through mandibular defect with double-skin paddle fibular free flap

  14. 玻璃体中的硅铝骨架并不是处于网状结构中,而是处于双四面体岛状结构中;

    The silica - alumina framework in vitreous body exists not in reticular structure but in double tetrahedron island structure .