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  • 网络Longchuan;Ryongchon;Long Xuyen
  1. 龙川林场次生林混交类型的研究

    Research on Secondary Mixed Forest Type on Longchuan Tree Farm

  2. 云贵高原小流域生态系统治理效益研究&以云南省牟定县龙川河小流域为例

    Benefit of Small Watershed Ecosystem Harness in Yunnan Guizhou Plateau

  3. 福建永定龙川矿区构造特征及其演化过程

    Structural Features and Evolutionary Course of Longchuan Mining Area , Yongding , Fujian

  4. 楚雄市龙川江橡胶坝设计与施工

    Design and construction of rubber dam in the Longchuan River in Chuxiong City

  5. 内外业一体化技术在江都市龙川广场施工放线测量中的应用

    Application of Indoor and Field Integration Technology in Survey of Longchuan Square of Jiangdu City

  6. 广东省河源市龙川县华支睾吸虫感染现状调查

    Current Prevalence of Clonorchis sinensis Infection in Longchuan County of Heyuan City , Guangdong Province

  7. 此外,元谋县强烈的冲沟侵蚀也是龙川江输沙量增加的重要原因之一。

    Furthermore , the intensive gully erosion is another important inducement of the increase of sediment yields in Longchuan River .

  8. 步行路途中,会经过龙川桥,桥上川流不息的车辆和桥下沉静悠然的流水相映成趣。

    Walk the road will go through Longchuan bridge bridge steady stream of vehicles and the water under the bridge quiet leisurely splash .

  9. 龙川金矿位于桂西北地区,是一个与辉绿岩类岩石有一定时空联系的典型蚀变岩型金矿。

    The Longchuan gold deposit is a representative tectonicaltered rock type in the northwest of Guangxi , which has spacetime relationship with diabase .

  10. 主成分分析方法在县域城镇体系空间布局规划中的应用&以广东省龙川县为例

    The Application of Principal Component Analysis in the Planning of Spatial Arrangement of County Town System-With Longchuan County in Guangdong Province as an Example

  11. 桂西北与辉绿岩类岩石有关的金矿地质特征&以百色龙川金矿为例

    Geological features of gold deposits that have relationship with diabase in the northwest of Guangxi : Taking example of the Longchuan gold deposit in Baise

  12. 区内发育的高龙式、隆或及八渡、龙川等微细浸染型金矿属于受裂谷构造控制、与热水沉积作用有关的热水沉积型金矿成矿系列。

    The micro-disseminated gold deposits such as Ganlong , Longhuo , Badu and Longchuan constitute an ore-forming series of hydrothermal gold deposits , which are controlled by rift .

  13. 方法将龙川县人民医院2003~2005年慢性乙型肝炎患者48例,随机分为两组,每组24例。

    Methods Forty-eight hepatitis B patients hospitalized in Longchuan County People 's Hospital in 2003 ~ 2005 were randomly divided into treatment group and control group each consisted of 24 cases .

  14. 不过,龙川词在训史上一向不受重视,其原因有二:其词在词的风格论述及评价体系中归杨归墨,皆不妥当,遂为杨墨两端所弃,不予评骘了;

    There are two reasons to explain why Long Chuan Ci does not receive much attention in Chinese Ci history : the traditional literature style and criticism system isn 't the only cause ;

  15. 从前,地球上没有的河川和湖泊,但只有东海,那里居住了四条龙:长龙,黄龙,黑龙和珠龙。龙川四都话在两字词组中只有去声不变。

    Once upon a time , there were no rivers and lakes on earth , but only the Eastern Sea , in which lived four dragons : the Long Dragon , the Yellow Dragon , the Black Dragon and the Pearl Dragon .

  16. 运用主成分分析方法,可确定龙川县县域城镇体系规划中的区域主次中心、城镇经济片区、发展主轴和次轴,还可为行政区划的调整提供依据。

    By application of the principal component analysis , we can determine for the county town system in Longchuan County the regional primary and secondary centers , township economic areas , primary and secondary axes of development and carry out adjustment to administrative division , etc.

  17. 2004年,金正日访华后回国,当他乘坐的列车经过中朝边境附近的朝鲜小镇龙川一小时后,当地发生一起爆炸,摧毁了一座火车站和周围的建筑。

    In 2004 , an explosion ripped apart a train station and surrounding blocks in Yongchon , a North Korean town near the Chinese border , just an hour after a train carrying Mr. Kim passed through when he was returning from a trip to China .