
  • 网络Dragon;N.adoketa
  1. 龙纹:商周文饰,古老而凝重,象徵龙之传人、龙夏子孙。金钗石斛中黄酮类和酚类成分HPLC指纹图谱研究

    Dragon : it is dignified and symbolic , it implicates Chinese descendants . HPLC Fingerprint of Flavonoids and Phenols of Dendrobium nobile

  2. 陶瓷上的龙纹织物配色模纹的计算机设计

    The Dragon Pattern in Porcelain Computer Design on Fabric Color Effect

  3. 传统龙纹装饰的文化内涵与审美价值

    The Cultural Connotation and Aesthetic Value of the Traditional Draconic Decorative

  4. 输水管的振动陶瓷上的龙纹

    VIBRATIONS OF A PIPE LINE The Dragon Pattern in Porcelain

  5. 陶瓷上的龙纹应力腐蚀开裂的方式是阳极溶解型。

    The Dragon Pattern in Porcelain Corrosion is anodic oxidation .

  6. 宋元瓷器上的龙纹研究

    The Research on Dragon Designs on Porcelains of Song and Yuan Dynasty

  7. 简析中国历代龙纹的造型特点

    Study of the Modelling Characteristics and Artistic Charm of Chinese Dragon Patterns

  8. 中国传统的龙纹装饰与造型

    The Traditional Dragon Motif and It 's Patterns in China

  9. 龙纹图案在中国酒包装装潢上的应用研究

    Research on the Application of the Dragon-pattern used the Package of Chinese Wine

  10. 商周与明清龙纹图案特征之比较

    Comparison of Dragon Pattern Characteristics between Shang Zhou Dynasties and Ming Qing Dynasties

  11. 龙纹图案是中华民族优秀的文化艺术遗产。

    Dragon-pattern is the excellent cultural aesthetic heritage .

  12. 本文介绍了传统器物中的龙纹装饰及其造型特点。

    The motif and its patterns used in traditional products are analyzed in the paper .

  13. 殷商是青铜器龙纹发展的黄金时期。

    Shang dynasty is the golden period for the development of dragon patterns on bronze .

  14. 在你的护腕刻上龙纹雕饰,永久性地提高力量130点。

    Draconic Embossment-Strength-Emboss the pattern of dragons onto your bracers , permanently increasing Strength by130 .

  15. 浅谈“龙纹”的文化内涵

    On dragon lines ' cultural intension

  16. 陶瓷上的龙纹

    The Dragon Pattern in Porcelain

  17. 楚青铜龙纹在现代色彩构成设计中的探索

    The Studying of the Dragon 's Stripe of Chu Bronze in the Modern Designation of Colorful Construction

  18. 椅子中的龙纹装饰

    Dragon Vein Decoration on Chairs

  19. 了解“龙纹”的文化内涵,可以使我们对龙纹样的认识突破“装饰”的表面层次,而走向文化、历史精神的深层次。

    Learning the dragon lines ' cultural intension can make our knowledge on it from surface to deep level .

  20. 虽然龙纹瓶十分罕见,但仍有一批绘龙纹的盘盌类传世之作。

    Vases with dragon motif are very rare , but this design appears on a number of surviving open-wares .

  21. 龙纹,作为贯穿中国历代的一种独立的常见纹饰,是随着历史的前进而演变的。

    Dragon , throughout Chinese history as an independent common decoration , along with the advance of history and evolution .

  22. 做为一个保卫者,你有着高超的战斗技巧与龙纹的神奇力量来保护你的委托。

    As a protector , you protect your charge with both combat prowess and the supernatural powers of your dragon mark .

  23. 龙是天神,是皇权的象征,因而皇家对龙纹的垄断在服饰上的体现尤为突出。

    As the god and symbol of imperial power , the dragon was always used in decorative design for the royalty .

  24. 在中文歌和穿着龙纹装饰的服装的鼓手的表演中,周五的简短开工典礼融合和中国和迪尼斯文化。

    With songs in Mandarin and drummers in dragon-festooned outfits , Friday 's brief groundbreaking ceremony featured as much Chinese culture as Disney 's.

  25. 龙纹饰历代不断继承衍变,玉龙的形制和特点具有当时社会思想文化的特点,石雕龙和玉龙具有对应性。

    Shape and design of Jade dragon keeping developing during the history , which are effected by the thought culture of that time .

  26. 再者,对龙纹的内涵的解读,是当代学者重建夏商周社会实况的一把关键钥匙。

    Unscrambling the connotation of dragon patterns is key of rebuilding the social reality of Xia Shang Zhou dynasties by our scholar in my view .

  27. 饕餮纹和龙纹是商周时期青铜器装饰艺术的两大主要题材。

    The T ' ao-t ' ieh and Dragon are the period of the Shang and Zhou bronze decorative arts of the two main themes .

  28. 龙纹的符号意义造就了其特殊的形式美,而其形式也反过来影响了中华民族的独特审美眼光。

    Dragon pattern 's significance accomplished its special form to be beautiful and its form in turn has also affected Chinese nation 's unique esthetic eye .

  29. 这里分析了清代各个时期龙袍上龙纹眉眼的时代特征,以作为龙袍和龙纹断代的一个指标。

    This paper analyses temporal characters of different periods of Qing Dynasty , making these characters an indicator dividing the history of dragon robes and motifs into periods .

  30. 最后,在现代服装设计中龙纹的应用原则与应用内容指导下,对其造型从具象和抽象两方面的表达形式进行案例设计实践,达到研以致用的目的。

    Finally , under the guidance of the principles and contents in modern fashion design , I tried to achieve the purpose of practice from the concrete and abstract .