
  1. 这种差距是导致世界上大多数未解决问题的根源,包括饥饿、文肓、环境恶化、暴力冲突和从龙线虫病到艾滋病的一系列原可避免的疾病。

    The results of this disparity are rootcauses of most of the world 's unresolved problems , including starvation , illitaracy , environmental degradation , violent conflict , and unnecessary illnesses that range from Guinea worm to HIV / AIDS .

  2. 甲强龙在颈椎病手术中的应用甲强龙对脑缺血早期星形胶质细胞的保护作用

    Intraoperative application of urbason on cervical spondylotic syndrome Methylprednisolone for protection of astrocytes during earlier period of cerebral ischemia