
  1. 每种手法都有其独特的审美特点,并又有着统一的风格,体现了唐代雕塑多样性的一面。

    Every skill not only contains its specific aesthetic character , but also belongs to the unified style , which showed the variety of the sculptures in Tang Dynasty .

  2. 中国古代雕塑具有明显的绘画性,文章主要以唐代雕塑为代表来分析中国古代雕塑中体现的绘画性元素。

    The ancient Chinese sculpture has obvious painting sex , this article mainly to the tang dynasty sculpture as a representative to the analysis of the ancient Chinese sculpture painting sex element .

  3. 本文结合唐代绘画和雕塑作品阐述绘画元素在雕塑作品中的体现和运用。

    This paper combined with a large number of the tang dynasty painting and sculpture painting elements in the sculpture on the embodiment and function .

  4. 唐代建陵石刻雕塑造型语言的再探讨

    Study on Stone Sculpting Language of Jianling Mausoleum of Tang Dynasty

  5. 乾陵石刻内部裂隙的超声波探测研究唐代建陵石刻雕塑造型语言的再探讨

    Studies on internal fissures and fractures of stone sculptures by ultrasonic techniques ; Study on Stone Sculpting Language of Jianling Mausoleum of Tang Dynasty

  6. 透雕三鹿纹饰牌的造型艺术浅析唐代建陵石刻雕塑造型语言的再探讨

    An Approach of the Sculpture Art of the Permeation Carving " Three-deer-grain Plate Ornament "; Study on Stone Sculpting Language of Jianling Mausoleum of Tang Dynasty

  7. 唐代是中国封建社会的鼎盛时期,唐代雕塑艺术在世界古代雕塑领域中也占有独特的地位。

    Tang was the heyday of feudal society in China , Tang Dynasty sculpture of ancient sculpture in the world ; the area also has a unique position .

  8. 唐代绘画的繁盛和发展深深的影响了唐代雕塑的风格、面貌,唐代雕塑中所体现的绘画元素既是对雕塑绘画性的传承,也是当时绘画风格的一个映像。

    Painting the flourishing development of deep influence the pattern of the tang dynasty sculpture , appearance , reflected in the sculpture of the painting is the element that painting an image .