
  • 网络song;the tang and song dynasties;song dynasties
  1. 唐宋时期政府对旅馆业的干预

    The Government 's Intervention of Hotel Industry In Tang - Song Period

  2. 唐宋私家园林环境模式变迁研究

    Study on the Environment Pattern of the Private Garden in Tang and Song Dynasty

  3. 唐宋时期的畲田与畲田民族的历史走向

    On She-Tian and Its Related Nationalities in Tang & Song Dynasties

  4. 《太平广记》是唐宋时期一部重要小说史料,它为我们提供丰富详实的唐朝社会史资料。

    Is a important story of history in the Tang-Song period .

  5. 唐宋诗中词汇语义相似度的统计分析及应用

    Word Meaning Similarity Analysis in Chinese Ancient Poetry and Its Applications

  6. 题壁与唐宋寺院文化

    Wall Inscriptions and Monastery Culture in Tang and Song Dynasties

  7. 唐宋诗词颜色意象及其翻译研究

    Studies on Color Images in Tang-Song Poetry and Their Translation

  8. 唐宋之际徽州重税考

    The Study on Huizhou Heavy Taxes between the Tang and Song Dynasties

  9. 唐宋时期沙苑地区的畜牧业

    Livestock Husbandry in Shayuan Area during Tang and Song Dynasties

  10. 唐宋时期的科学环境与科学精神

    Scientific Climate and Scientific Spirit in Tang and Song Dynasties

  11. 唐宋女性出游与出游活动研究

    On Women of Travel and Travel Active in Tang and Song Dynasty

  12. 论唐宋诗词中雨的审美意象群

    On the Aethetic Images of Rain in Chinese Tang and Song Poetry

  13. 唐宋时期,中国社会的面貌发生了巨大变化。

    Chinese society had undergone tremendous changes during Tang and Song dynasties .

  14. 唐宋牡丹诗与牡丹文化

    The Poetry and Culture on Peony in the Tang and Song Dynasties

  15. 论唐宋社会变迁中平等和效率的历史转换

    Historical Transformation of Equality and Efficiency in Tang and Song Social Changes

  16. 唐宋时期是我国古代文化的繁荣阶段。

    Tang and Song is the most prosperous period of ancient Chinese culture .

  17. 唐宋禅宗语录特指问句研究

    A Study of Definite Questions in Zen Quotations in Tang and Song Dynasty

  18. 唐宋散文研究刍议

    A Modest Proposal for Studies on Prose Writings of Tang and Song Dynasties

  19. 借助于色彩唐宋诗人为我们描绘了一幅幅色彩瑰丽的画卷。

    By means of color images , the poets painted varicolored scroll paintings .

  20. 唐宋贬谪诗的发展嬗变与特点

    The Evolution and Characteristics of the Relegating Poems in Tang and Song Dynasties

  21. 唐宋时期艺术捐资者&供养人研究

    Research on Art Supporters in Tang and Song Dynasties

  22. 唐宋时期皖东南地区湖泊变迁初探

    A Research on Changes of Lakes and Caused Effects in Southeast of Anhui

  23. 推举唐宋八大家的重要动力

    An Important Drive to Electing Eight Prose Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties

  24. 唐宋之时,《论语》的地位进一步得到提升。

    During the Tang and Song Dynasties , the Analects status was further upgrading .

  25. 唐宋派和前七子派关系原论

    On Relations between the Tang-Song School and the Former " Seven Literary Giants "

  26. 唐宋时期交通工具变化对城市空间的影响

    Influence of transportation vehicle change to urban space in Tang and Song Dynasty time

  27. 读《唐宋时代金银之研究·宋代金银货币的用途》札记

    The Reading Note of The Study of Bullion From The Tang and Song Dynasties

  28. 唐宋元时期城市建设特点的文学体现

    Literary embodiment of the urban construction features in Tang , Song and Yuan dynasties

  29. 唐小姐脾气高傲,宁可忍痛至于生宁波自唐宋以来就是对外开放的城市。

    Ningbo was an open city as early as the Tang and Song dynasties .

  30. 元代回回人继承了唐宋时代阿拉伯、波斯人的航海技术。

    The Huihui inherited the voyage technique of Arab and Persian in Yuan Dynasty .