
  1. 结语简单的论述了人物陶俑艺术在社会发展中所承载的历史作用,对陶俑造型艺术的发展做了简单的概括,并概述了唐代陶俑艺术对世界艺术的影响。

    In conclusion , this article simply elaborated the character pottery burial figurines art in the social development institute load bearing historical function , and made the simple summary to plastic arts ' development , and an overview of the Tang Dynasty pottery figurine art on the world of art .

  2. 本文着重探讨了唐代人物陶俑的造型艺术,希望通过对人物陶俑的浅显的研究,从一个侧面为造型艺术研究提供一点有用的资料。

    This paper focuses on the plastic arts ' character figurines of the Tang Dynasty , Hope that through the plain pottery figurine of the character study , from one side of the plastic arts research that useful information .

  3. 第二章分别从唐代人物陶俑的造型和色彩方面论述陶俑的艺术特征,并分别分析了这一时期每一种人物陶俑造型艺术的典型艺术特征。

    The second chapter separately elaborates the artistic characteristic of the pottery burial figurines from the Tang Dynasty character pottery burial figurines ' modeling and the color aspect , and analyzed the artistic characteristic of each kind of character pottery burial figurines plastic arts separately .