
  • 网络Doncaster;Doncaster Rovers;DSA
  1. 即便经济问题是人类自己造成的,但面对今明两年所将付出的代价,人们将很难展颜一笑,不论是在达沃斯还是在唐卡斯特(doncaster)。

    Even if the economic problems are self-inflicted , the human toll that they will take this year and next will leave very little to smile about , in Davos or in Doncaster .

  2. 首相在唐卡斯特游说了一天。

    The prime minister has spent the day canvassing in doncaster .

  3. 英国唐卡斯特市地球公园会议中心

    The conference build in g of earth centre in doncaster , UK

  4. 卡车是由一个28岁的唐卡斯特男子驾驶的。

    The truck was driven by a28-year-old Doncaster man .

  5. 哦看样子像赫德森太太终于发现在唐卡斯特的老婆了

    Oh ! Looks like Mrs Hudson , finally got to the wife in Doncaster .

  6. 艾玛是来自唐卡斯特的一名牙科学生,她在回家后才发现了这张诡异的照片。

    Dentistry student Emma , of Doncaster , only spotted the ghoulish face when she arrived home .

  7. 外借中的迈克尔.曼切里尼在唐卡斯特为英格兰19岁以下国家队担当中卫,协助球队以1-0击败土耳其。

    In Doncaster , on loan Michael Mancienne is in the centre of the England Under-19s defence for a1-0 win over Turkey .

  8. 来自唐卡斯特的克里斯·金在三年前一场金属碾压机的事故中失去了双手,只留下了两个大拇指。

    Chris King , from Doncaster , lost both his hands , apart from the thumbs , in an accident involving a metal pressing machine at work three years ago .