
  • 网络tanghai wetland
  1. 摘要唐海湿地具有生态系统类型多样、物种丰富和经济效益突出的特点。

    Tanghai Wetland has some characteristics such as the diversity ecological system , various species of biology and the obvious economic value .

  2. 在对唐海湿地物种现状进行统计分析的基础上,采用湿地生物多样性评价指标体系与赋值标准对唐海湿地生物多样性进行了评价。

    This paper analyzed the species of Tanghai wetland , and evaluated biodiversity of Tanghai wetland with wetland biodiversity evaluation index system and value-determined standard .

  3. 唐海湿地鸟类群落结构特征及主要类群的迁徙动态。

    The structure of avian community and migration dynamic of main groups .

  4. 唐海湿地迁徙水鸟的四大重要类群(鴴鹬鸟类群落、鸥类群落、雁鸭类群落及鹭科鸟类群落)迁徙高峰期均出现在春秋季节,夏季次之,冬季为最低谷。

    The migration peaks mainly occurred in spring or fall for the four species of waterfowls .