
  1. 如果游客去喂养马驹,马驹遭遇车祸的几率更大,而且会使它们在每年的迁徙期难以聚集。

    By feeding the ponies , tourists increase the risk of them getting hit by a car , and make them harder to gather during the area 's annual pony drift .

  2. 在2009春季迁徙期,白鹤的首见日为3月12日,记录个体3只。

    In Spring migration period of 2009 , the meet day of siberian crane is on March 12 , records of individual 3 .

  3. 在越冬期和春季迁徙期,禽流感疫情的实际发生值明显高于期望值,在繁殖期和秋季迁徙期则与此相反。

    More HPAI outbreaks observed than that of expected in wintering and spring migration season , as opposite in breeding and fall migration season .

  4. 渤海湾春秋迁徙期■形目鸟类多样性及石油污染的影响

    The diversity of the waders ( Charadiiformes ) and the effects of oil contamination on it during the migration season in the coast of Bohai Bay

  5. 结果表明,迁徙期影响丹顶鹤生境选择的主要因子是干扰,最适生境为远离人类干扰、有浅水域分布的、植被覆盖率较低的地区;

    The results showed that in migration season , the main factor affecting habitat selection was disturbance , and the optimal habitat of red-crown crane had the characters of non-disturbance , shallow water body , and low vegetation cover .

  6. 秋季东方白鹳在9月15日至10月5日陆续迁到,11月上旬迁离,迁徙持续期35~60天,停歇期达35~60天。

    In autumn , storks would come back from September 15 to October 15 , and would leave at the first ten-day period of November . The migration period will last 35 ~ 60 days . Parking period is about 35 ~ 60 days .

  7. 迁徙鸟类中途停歇期的生理生态学研究

    Physiological ecology of migratory birds during the stopover periods

  8. 最佳迁徙理论指出:迁徙停留期的一系列决策受到体内能量状态、取食机会和迁徙时间的影响。

    Optimal migration theory predicted that stopover decisions could be affected by energetic condition , foraging opportunity , and timing of migration .