
By feeding the ponies , tourists increase the risk of them getting hit by a car , and make them harder to gather during the area 's annual pony drift .
In Spring migration period of 2009 , the meet day of siberian crane is on March 12 , records of individual 3 .
More HPAI outbreaks observed than that of expected in wintering and spring migration season , as opposite in breeding and fall migration season .
The diversity of the waders ( Charadiiformes ) and the effects of oil contamination on it during the migration season in the coast of Bohai Bay
The results showed that in migration season , the main factor affecting habitat selection was disturbance , and the optimal habitat of red-crown crane had the characters of non-disturbance , shallow water body , and low vegetation cover .
In autumn , storks would come back from September 15 to October 15 , and would leave at the first ten-day period of November . The migration period will last 35 ~ 60 days . Parking period is about 35 ~ 60 days .
Physiological ecology of migratory birds during the stopover periods
Optimal migration theory predicted that stopover decisions could be affected by energetic condition , foraging opportunity , and timing of migration .