
  • 网络in-migration rate;Immigration Rate
  1. 讨论一类具有常数迁入率,染病类有病死且有效接触率依赖于总人数的SIRI传染病模型。

    This paper considers an SIRI epidemic model that incorporates constant immi-gration rate , excess death of the infected and a general population size dependent contact rate .

  2. 物种迁入率和绝灭率的动态变化决定岛屿上的物种丰富度是岛屿生物地理学理论的核心内容,而集合种群理论关注的的是局部种群之间个体迁移的动态以及物种的续存条件。

    The former is concerned with how species number changes with the immigration and extinction rate , while the latter focuses on the dynamics of individual migration among local populations and conditions of species persistence .