
qiān rù
  • move in;immigration
迁入[qiān rù]
  1. 具有干挠及常数迁入的Leslie模型分析

    An Analysis of Leslie 's Model with Mutual Interference and Constant Immigration

  2. 若迁入个体携有R基因,则迁入比例在阈值以下时,会促进迁入区害虫种群的抗性演化;

    If the genotypes of immigration individuals are all resistant ( R gene ), and the immigration ratio is below the threshold , then it will accelerate the resistance evolution of pest population .

  3. 他们把房子装修了以后才迁入。

    They fixed up the house before they moved in .

  4. 他们预期年底前迁入较大的经营场址。

    They anticipate moving to bigger premises by the end of the year .

  5. 不断有报道称村民被强制从农村迁入城镇定居。

    Reports are coming in of the forcible resettlement of villagers from the countryside into towns .

  6. 这对新婚夫妇迁入新居。

    The newly married couple moved into their new home .

  7. 我们昨天迁出,新房客今天就要迁入。

    We moved out yesterday and the new tenants are moving in today .

  8. 基于如此考虑,在第二章建立并分析了一个带有两种资源制约的Size结构种群模型,还考虑了有新生个体从外界环境迁入的情形。

    Therefore , we formulate and analyze a size-structured population model with resources-dependence and inflow in chapter 2 .

  9. 常州是中国东部的一座工业城市,常州外国语学校(ChangzhouForeignLanguageSchool)于去年秋季迁入位于该市的新校区。

    The Changzhou Foreign Language School moved to a new campus in the industrial city in eastern China last autumn .

  10. 腐蚀裂缝内化学和电化学状态之探索&Ⅰ.电流、氯离子迁入量和pH的相互关系

    Investigation of Chemical and Electrochemical Changes within Corrosion Cracks I. Interrelations between currents , Cl ~ - migration and pH values

  11. 相当多的保加利亚(Bengali)迁入者主要集中在卡拉奇(Karachi)。

    A sizeable number of Bengali immigrants are mainly concentrated in Karachi .

  12. 城镇净迁入人口主要来自省内农村地区,对城镇人硕士学&衫文山东苔W更人厂迁彦橙钉研夹口数量的增长具有重要作用,提高了山东省城镇化水平;

    The urban net immigration population comes chiefly from the rural area , and possesses the important effect to the increase to town population quantity , and has raised the Shandong provincial urbanization ;

  13. 讨论了具有常数迁入和非线性传染力的三类传染病模型,即SIRI模型,SIRI框架下的DS模型及SIR框架下的DI模型。

    This paper considers three epidemic models with constant immigration rate and nonlinear infectious force . They are SIRI model , differential susceptibility model of SIRI , and differential infectivity model of SIR .

  14. 脱细胞SIS内可见新生小血管长入,大量炎性细胞浸润,有成纤维细胞由创面迁入生长。

    Neogenetic small vessels were observed to grow into acellular small intestinal submucosa , with enormous inflammatory cell infiltrate . There were also fibroblasts migrating inside acellular small intestinal submucosa from the wound .

  15. 讨论一类具有常数迁入率,染病类有病死且有效接触率依赖于总人数的SIRI传染病模型。

    This paper considers an SIRI epidemic model that incorporates constant immi-gration rate , excess death of the infected and a general population size dependent contact rate .

  16. 经济因素中人均GDP、经济收入和市场潜力与劳动力迁移正相关,而迁入地第三产业占GDP比重、失业率和职工平均工资与劳动力迁移负相关;

    Where economy factors are concerned , per capita GDP 、 income and market potentiality are positive correlation with labor migration while the ratio of third industry to GDP in the ingoing areas 、 unemployment rate and average wage are negative correlation with labor migration .

  17. 处理区害虫种群原有个体的迁出,可加强SS个体迁入对害虫种群抗性演化的影响,而使携R基因的个体的迁入影响减弱。

    The emigration of individuals from the insecticide treated area can enhance the effect of immigration of SS individuals on the resistance evolution and reduce the effect of immigration of the individuals with R gene ( including RS and RR individuals ) on the resistance evolution .

  18. 脱蛋白骨(deproteinizedbone,DPB)具有天然的密集微孔系统,极有利于新生毛细血管的长入与间质细胞的迁入,与软材料相比有更好的机械强度,更适合作为骨修复移植材料。

    DPB possesses natural network pore system that is advantageous for capillary vessels and mesenchymal cells immigration which induces osteogenesis . Deproteinized bone ( DPB ), as it has stronger mechanical intensity compared with soft implant , is relatively ideal bone repair material .

  19. 提出了扩展的Chiswick模型,并具体讨论了劳动力在迁入地与迁出地间的迁移决策问题,进而针对西部开发中的人才流失现象提出政策建议。

    Chiswick'model is extended , and it is used to analyze the decision-making of labor migration between origin and destination . Then we provide the policy issues on the phenomena of labor outmigration in west areas .

  20. 在BBO中,问题的解决方案表示为群岛,通过迁入和迁出进行信息共享,文中介绍了生物地理学的稳态物种数,介绍了BBO中的6种不同的迁移模型。

    In BBO , problem solutions are represented as islands , and the sharing of features between solutions is represented as emigration and immigration . This paper describes the equilibrium species count in biogeography theory , describes the behavior of six different migration models in BBO .

  21. 以主迁入峰日虫l和主峰期虫量、主峰期格局特征为重要因子。迁入期的相对湿度,降水量、温雨系数等气象因子与主害代田间种群数量关系密切。

    The quantity at principal moving peak , total amount and pattern characteristic during the peak period were great factors , and climate elements such as relative humidity , rainfall and temperature - rain coefficient had a close relation to population quantity of main generation in field .

  22. 文章运用条件罗吉特模型(CLGT),从省际迁移人口迁入省份选择性的角度,分析了省级社会经济因素和个体因素对不同性质的省际人口迁移行为的影响作用;

    Using the 2000 census data to estimate Conditional Logit Model ( CLGT ), this paper analyzes the influence of socio-economic factors and individual characteristics at provincial level on in the choice of inter-provincial migration .

  23. 在迁移期,迁入垸内的东方田鼠的性比在不同的距离上无显著差异。

    There were no differences between sexes on the dispersal distances .

  24. 你接到迁入新居的通知了吗?

    Have you had notice of moving into the new apartment ?

  25. 畲族先民迁入闽、粤、赣的时间较晚,与汉族(含客家人)是两个民族,各有独特文化;

    The She Nationality came later , different from the Hakkas ;

  26. 城镇人口迁移地域差异显著,城镇人口迁入数量由东往西呈现阶梯状递减。

    It is notable that urban population migration has region difference .

  27. 将纯文本数据迁入数据库中的技术研究

    Research on technology of migrating pure text to data base

  28. 大量外来人口的迁入,为巴蜀地区带来了新的技术和劳动力。

    It brought technology and people by population moving into Sichuan region .

  29. 感恩节起源于第一批迁入美洲的移民。

    Thanksgiving was about the Pilgrims , the first settlers in America .

  30. 迁入性亚洲飞蝗与气象因子关系的研究

    A Study of the Relation Between Asiatic Migratory Locust and Meteorological Factors