
  • 网络comfort zone;Comfortable Zone;Comfort Area
  1. 走出我们的舒适区,尝试新事物!

    Walk out of our comfort zone and try new things !

  2. 有效建立关系网的诀窍是,你需要走出自己的“舒适区”,自觉主动地开始和他人交谈。

    The thing about effective networking is you need to step out of your comfort zone and start talking to people off your own bat .

  3. 偶尔逼自己走出舒适区挑战困难其实是件好事。

    It 's good to push yourself to do things that are difficult sometimes .

  4. MDD可能还扰乱了负责系统分析和设计的技术人员的舒适区。

    MDD might also disturb the comfort zone for technical staff responsible for systems analysis and design .

  5. 他以前从未学习过商学院课程,他认为,在venturelab的经历让他走出了自己的舒适区,迫使他和他的团队反思并发展自己的业务模式。

    Having never taken a business course before , he believes the venture lab experience took him out of his comfort zone , forcing him and his team to rethink and develop their business model .

  6. 但在2004年,为了“迫使自己走出舒适区”,博比奇毅然前往伦敦,成为Skype最早的一批员工之一。

    But then , she moved to London in 2004 to " push my comfort zone , " becoming one of Skype 's earliest employees .

  7. 相反,这是一个被社会学家称为同质性的问题,“事关人们的‘舒适区’(comfortzone)”,他说。这种理论认为,我们往往会被更像自己的人吸引,或是让你想起年轻时的自己的人。

    Rather , he says , it 's a question of what sociologists call homophily , or " a matter of people 's ' comfort zones , ' where we tend to gravitate toward people who are more like us , or who remind us of our younger selves . "

  8. 学生可接受的作用温度范围比ASHRAE标准规定的舒适区温度范围要宽得多,PMV指标与实际情况存在较大差别。

    The operative temperature range is much wider than the comfort temperature zone in ASHRAE 55 standard , and the PMV index is not always consistent with the actual situation .

  9. 大部分观众情愿留在舒适区,观看以新的方式讲述的旧故事,这其中包括了《奎迪》(Creed),片中西尔维斯特·史泰龙(SylvesterStallone)再度饰演洛基·鲍尔勃亚(RockyBalboa);

    The audience for the most part preferred to curl up in its comfort zone , turning out for new iterations of old screen stories , including " Creed , " in which Sylvester Stallone again played Rocky Balboa ;

  10. 研究结果表明,学生宿舍内的热环境处于ASHRAE给定的舒适区之外,80%以上的学生对室内热环境表示不满;

    The results show that the thermal environment of the dormitories is out of the ASHRAE comfort zone and the proportion of the dissatisfaction of students on indoor thermal environment is up to 80 % .

  11. Fanger和其它研究人员的研究表明受试者的热感觉是随着时间而变化的,因此对于人们停留时间较短的区域其舒适区是不同的。

    In the course of the research process of Fanger and other researchers it was found that thermal sensation changes with the exposure time , so the comfort zone should be different between temporary occupied buildings and long-term occupied buildings .

  12. 劣势:在整个NCAA联赛中,他有两次糟糕的表现,使这个伟大的赛季失色不少(两次比赛他都遭遇了区域防守,这迫使他退出了自己的舒适区)。

    Weaknesses : Ended the season with two very poor performances in the NCAA Tournament , which has unfairly taken some luster off of a great season ( he faced zone defenses on both occasions and it forced him to play out of his comfort zone ) ...

  13. 如果答案是肯定的,那就接受这种挑战,走出你的舒适区。

    Embrace this challenge and get out of your comfort zone .

  14. 如果我们不主动拓展我们的舒适区,那么它会变得越来越狭窄。

    If we don 't stretch our comfort zones , they shrink .

  15. 走出舒适区看看剩下的这个世界。

    Go outside of it and see the rest of the world .

  16. 旅行就是要走出舒适区。

    Traveling should mean stepping out of your comfort zone .

  17. 甜甜圈洞里面的生活代表我们的舒适区。

    Life inside the donut hole represents our comfort zone .

  18. 别害怕走出舒适区。

    Don 't be afraid to go out of your comfort zone .

  19. 要想走出舒适区,必须需要勇气。

    It takes courage to step outside your comfort zone .

  20. 给自己一点挑战,走出舒适区吧。

    Challenge yourself to burst out of your comfort zone .

  21. 重识自我扩展舒适区的过程让人获益匪浅。

    The whole process of stretching your comfort zone is very educational .

  22. 失去和拒绝是他的舒适区。

    Well , loss and rejection become his comfort zone .

  23. 但这并不算是我所说的那种舒适区。

    But thats not the kind of comfort zone Im talking about .

  24. 督促自己,离开舒适区。

    Push yourself . Go out of your comfort zone .

  25. 我们就想待在舒适区。

    We just want to stay in a comfort zone .

  26. 走出舒适区。

    3 . Get out of your comfort zone .

  27. 每天做一些超越自己舒适区的事情。

    Do something outside your comfort zone each day .

  28. 我们大多数人在大多数时候都卷缩于舒适区。

    Most of us most of time , are in our comfort zone .

  29. 当你扩展了自己的舒适区,你就会收获成长。

    When you stretch your comfort zone , you grow as a person .

  30. 每天做一些事使自己走出你的舒适区。

    Do something each day that moves you out of your comfort zone .