
  • 网络Schubert;franz schubert;Franz Peter Schubert;Ave Maria
  1. 弗朗兹.舒伯特(FranzSchubert,1797-1828),奥地利作曲家,十九世纪浪漫主义音乐的奠基人之一。

    Franz Schubert , an Austrian composer , is one of the fathers of romantic music in the 19 century .

  2. 舒伯特用吉他写他的著名作品。

    Franz Schubert used the guitar to write some of his famous works .

  3. 舒伯特的技巧在他十分年轻时即已达到了顶峰。

    Schubert reached the acme of his skill while quite young .

  4. 舒伯特与沃尔夫的歌曲比较&以《迷娘之歌》为例

    The Comparison of the Two Mignon Songs by Schubert and Wolf

  5. 我们访问了舒伯特曾在其唱诗班中歌唱的那个教堂。

    We visit the church where Schubert sing in the choir .

  6. 奥地利作曲家舒伯特出生于维也纳。

    The Austrian composer , Schubert , was born in Vienna .

  7. 论舒伯特艺术歌曲的创作特征与艺术表现

    On Artistic Feature and Art Performance of Schubert 's Art Song

  8. 舒伯特的技巧在他十分年轻时即已达顶峰。

    Schencrt reach the acme of his skill while quite young .

  9. 唯诗是尊:舒伯特艺术歌曲的诗学背景

    Poetics Context in the invention of Schubert 's Art Songs

  10. 这些优美的乐曲都是舒伯特的杰作。

    These fine pieces of music are schubert 's masterpiece .

  11. 舒伯特把歌德的一些抒情诗谱成了歌曲。

    Schubert set some of Goethe 's lyrics to music .

  12. 我将以一首舒伯特的歌结束。

    I will finish up with a song of Schubert .

  13. 孩子们在学校音乐会上演唱了,舒伯特的两首歌。

    The children sang two songs by Schubert at the school concert .

  14. 贝多芬和舒伯特都因音乐而知名。

    Beethoven and Shubert both built their fames with music .

  15. 人们在舒伯特最爱去的一个地方找到了他。

    Schubert was discovered in one of his favorite haunts .

  16. 舒伯特生前从没有获得他应有的认可。

    Schubert never attained the recognition that he deserved during his lifetime .

  17. 舒伯特曾在唱诗班唱歌并演奏风琴。

    Schubert sang in the choir and played the organ .

  18. 舒伯特《降B大调钢琴即兴曲》的演奏

    Performing Schubert 's Impromptu in bB Major for Piano

  19. 奥列格迈森贝格将关闭与李斯特和舒伯特的作品节日。

    Oleg Maisenberg will close the festival with works of Liszt and Schubert .

  20. 贝多芬、舒伯特钢琴奏鸣曲的风格解析

    Analysis of Piano Sonata Style between Beethoven and Schubert

  21. 可能是那对矮小的老夫妇,舒伯特家的。

    It could 've been that little , old couple , the schumachers .

  22. 而舒伯特由此而得到的报酬极为微薄。

    And Schubert received very little money for these .

  23. 舒伯特钢琴奏鸣曲未完成的界定标准

    Completed or Not ? Criteria for Schubert 's " Unfinished " Piano Sonatas

  24. 在渴望与幻灭中升华&论舒伯特的艺术歌曲

    In the Sublimation of Desire and Disillusionment & On Schubert 's Artistic Songs

  25. 浅谈贝多芬与舒伯特的创作风格

    On the Musical Styles of Beethoven and Schubert

  26. 你喜欢舒伯特的<未完成交响曲>吗?

    Do you like Schubert 's Unfinished Symphony ?

  27. 钢琴上缓缓奏出的舒伯特小乐曲,旋律柔和而凄美。

    Piano is playing slowly the Schubert music , melody sounds gentle but beautiful .

  28. 试论舒伯特艺术歌曲的演唱风格及在声乐教学中的作用

    Try Commenting on Schubert Art Song Effect in Singing Style and Being in Teaching

  29. 舒伯特的《小夜曲》,肖邦的钢琴协奏曲等等。

    Schubert 's @ Serenade @ , Chopin 's piano concertos and so on .

  30. 舒伯特为歌德的许多诗谱了曲。

    Schubert set many of Goethe 's poems .