
  • 网络Brahms;Johannes Brahms
  1. 评说大师们的勃拉姆斯三首小提琴奏鸣曲贝多芬《C小调主题及三十二首变奏曲》研究

    Brahms The 3 Violin Sonatas The Research of Beethoven 's " Thirty-Two Variations on an Original Theme of C Minor "

  2. 音乐方面,她喜欢贝多芬(Beethoven)和勃拉姆斯(Brahms),也喜欢“平克·弗洛伊德”(PinkFloyd)和艾米·怀恩豪斯(AmyWinehouse)。

    Her music tastes include Beethoven and Brahms as well as Pink Floyd and Amy Winehouse , she said .

  3. 从勃拉姆斯钢琴小品Op.118看其音乐风格与特征勃拉姆斯的音乐作品。

    To Discuss the Music Style and Characteristic of Brahms from the Piano Pieces Op.118 ;

  4. 本文通过对勃拉姆斯晚期钢琴小品OP.118的谱面和演奏分析,概括的介绍了勃拉姆斯钢琴小品的音乐特点,并且探讨了他与古典主义的不可分割的联系。

    This article analyzed on the music and musical performance of the Brahms piano pieces OP. 118 and briefed the characteristic of his music , discussed the close connection between his music and classicalism .

  5. 竞赛在宁波开始了,孩子们纷纷上台,演奏莫扎特、勃拉姆斯和格什温。施坦威亚洲总裁沃纳·哈斯曼恩(WernerHusmann)说,公司要生存,需要在中国培育一批新的听众。

    As the competition kicked off in Ningbo and children took to the stage to perform Mozart , Brahms and Gershwin , the president of Steinway 's Asia division , Werner Husmann , said the piano maker would need to establish a new audience in China to survive .

  6. 勃拉姆斯是德国古典主义最伟大的代表之一。

    Brahms was one of the greatest representative of German classicalism .

  7. 勃拉姆斯,布鲁克纳,马勒,雨果.沃尔夫和斯特劳斯

    Brahms , Bruckner , Mahler , hugo Wolf and Johann Strauss

  8. 我发现勃拉姆斯的一些乐曲很有感染力。

    I find some of brahms 's music deeply moving .

  9. 勃拉姆斯挽歌每次都使我感动。

    Brahms 's ' Requiem ' gets me every time .

  10. 勃拉姆斯两首钢琴与大提琴奏鸣曲的分析

    Analysis Two of Brahms 's Piano and Cello Sonatas

  11. 这首小提琴协奏曲的独奏者是梅纽因。勃拉姆斯《d小调第一钢琴协奏曲》创作研究

    A Creation Research into Brahms 's " d Minor Piano Concerto No.1 "

  12. 浅谈勃拉姆斯晚期钢琴作品118的演奏

    About Brahms ' later Piano Work Op.118

  13. 浪漫音乐的反叛者&勃拉姆斯

    Rebel of the Romantic Music - Brahms

  14. 浪漫主义三人行&舒曼、克拉拉与勃拉姆斯的故事

    Three Composer-Pianists in the Romantic Era & Robert Schumann , Clara Schumann and Johannes Brahms

  15. 绪论概括了勃拉姆斯室内乐风格的主要特征。

    The Introduction summarizes the unique character and style of Brahms ' chamber music writing .

  16. 节目当中包括勃拉姆斯音乐。

    Brahms was included in the program .

  17. 化解古典戏剧性与浪漫抒情性矛盾的典范&勃拉姆斯的奏鸣曲

    The Model of Settling the Conflict between Classic Dramaticism and Romantic Lyricism & Brahms ' Sonata

  18. 这一段是典型的勃拉姆斯风格。

    This passage is quintessential brahms .

  19. 第二章主要涉及勃拉姆斯去世后人们对他的重新评价。

    The second chapter is mainly concerned with people 's reevaluation of Brahmas after his death .

  20. 勃拉姆斯用他那个时代的和声和器乐资源重新诠释了古典音乐曲式。

    Brahms in his that era of harmony and instrumental music resources reinterpreted classical music melody .

  21. 勃拉姆斯发现只有当他陷入一种深深的幻想状态时,各种想法才会毫不费力地泉涌而出。

    Brahms found that ideas came effortless only when he approached a state of deep daydreaming .

  22. 节目大部分是勃拉姆斯作的乐曲。

    The program was heavily Brahms .

  23. 勃拉姆斯的音乐作品。

    The music of Brahms .

  24. 在19世纪末欧洲音乐文化的发展史上,勃拉姆斯是一个特殊而又复杂的人物。

    In the late 19th century Europe music culture history , Brahms is a special and complex characters .

  25. 罗丁、莫奈、勃拉姆斯、陀斯妥也夫斯基、托尔斯泰、埃利奥特、契诃夫和马克吐翁的艺术创作。

    and artworks by Rodin , Monet , Brahms , Dostoevsky , Tolstoy , Eliot , Chekhov and Twain .

  26. 勃拉姆斯非常重视音乐旋律的写作,在这部变奏曲中,各个变奏都展现出丰富多样的旋律手法。

    Brahms very seriously music melody writing , in both volumes Variations various Variations all show diverse melody practices .

  27. 灵魂的静谧与活力的沸腾&论勃拉姆斯第四交响乐(中篇)

    The Tranquil Soul and the Boiling Vigor & On the Fourth Symphony of Brahms ' ( the second piece )

  28. 他所著的关于勃拉姆斯钢琴作品的书被认为是这个研究领域的里程碑,现已被译成德文出版。

    His book on Brahms'piano work is considered a milestone in this field and has already been translated into German .

  29. 他还与柏林爱乐和阿巴多以及沙汉姆合作录制了勃拉姆斯的双协奏曲;

    He has also recorded the Brahms Double Concerto with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra , Claudio Abbado and Gil Shaham ;

  30. 勃拉姆斯交响曲中的主题贯串及第一交响曲两个前奏的资源库意义

    The " Motif-Through " In Brahms ' Symphonies and The " Resource-Bank " Meaning Of Two Introductions In His First Symphony