
  • 网络the bronte sisters;Bronte
  1. 勃朗特姐妹都使用笔名

    All the Bronte sisters used pseudonyms .

  2. 勃朗特姐妹都是用笔名的,那个时代就是这样,女性作家不被接受。

    STEFAN : All the Bronte sisters used pseudonyms . It was the time . Female writers weren 't very accepted then .

  3. 她还表示:我打扮成夏洛蒂,是因为其他两位勃朗特姐妹都是在很年轻的时候过世,而我今年都49岁了。

    She added : ' I dress as Charlotte because the other Brontes were quite young when they died and I 'm 49 .

  4. 文章第一部分介绍了维多利亚时期的社会背景,勃朗特姐妹的生活经历,同时还简单的对女权理论进行了概括。

    The first part introduces the social background of Victorian Age and the experience of the Bronte sisters , and also gives a brief generalization of feminist theory .

  5. 除此之外,拜伦英雄对勃朗特姐妹的创作也有很大的影响,不难从他们身上找到希斯克里夫的原型。同时,艾米莉早期创作贡达尔王国里面的人物也被认为是希斯克利夫最初的雏形。

    And Byronic Heroes , which has much influences on Brontes . Also , some characters in her early creative work-Gondal , can be considered as the original prototype of Heathcliff .

  6. 近百年来,随着女权运动的兴起,以及新方法,新角度的介入,对经典的重新解读赋予了勃朗特姐妹的作品以新的意义。

    In the past 100 years , with the rising of the feminism movement and the introduction of new methods and viewpoints , the rereading of the classics casts new ideas on Bronte sisters ' novels .

  7. 本文系统地研究了从18世纪最著名的女作家范妮·伯尼到维多利亚中期勃朗特姐妹这大半个世纪里英国女性小说中经典的灰姑娘形象的嬗变过程。

    This thesis makes a systematic research on the transformative process of the classical Cinderella in female writers ' novels within almost half a century , from the early Fanny Burney to the later Bronte Sisters .

  8. 勃朗特姐妹1847年同时发表的《简.爱》与《呼啸山庄》,以独特的创意,成功地丰富并发展了爱情母题的这两种艺术模式,共同完成了爱情母题这个圆。

    The Bronte sisters ' " Jane Eyre " and " Wuthering Heights " published simultaneously in 1847 succeed in enriching and developing the two artistic patterns of love theme with unique original ideas , reaching their acme of perfection .

  9. 被问及为何女性偶像简·奥斯汀和勃朗特姐妹等人没有入选,他说:“每当我们做这类事情的时候,总有人希望将他们最爱的摇滚乐队或偶像列入其中。”

    Asked about the omission of female icons such as Jane Austen and the Bronte sisters , he said : " Whenever we do these things there is always someone who wants their favourite rock band or icon in the book .

  10. 对于勃朗特姐妹的作品,我们中国人更熟悉的是《简爱》,但是,看了《呼啸山庄》之后,我觉得《简爱》戏味太重,小妇人气也更重。

    To the especially the work of the sister , our Chinese are more familiar is , but , see 《 roar and shout country villa 》 after , I feel the drama flavor is too heavy , the small women annoy also more heavy .

  11. 大使说,她出使伦敦的三年间,最有意思的事情包括参观许多高端的制造业企业,参观简奥斯汀、勃朗特姐妹和威廉莎士比亚等名人故居。

    Highlights of her three years in London include , says the ambassador , lots of visits to advanced manufacturing sites ; trips to the homes of Jane Austen , the Bront sisters and William Shakespeare ; and , less predictably , the British TV talent show the X factor .

  12. 坎丽芙的衣服全部是自己手工缝制的,她表示自己对勃朗特三姐妹的热情都是由于自己是历史学荣誉学士毕业生的缘故。

    Lyn-Marie , who sews all the costumes herself , said her passion for the Brontes might have stemmed from an honours degree in history .

  13. 我很喜欢勃朗特三姐妹的作品,想要鼓励其他人也多去发现她们作品的魅力。

    She said : ' I love the works of all the Bronte sisters , and really wanted to encourage other people to find out more about them .

  14. 不过超级浪漫小说迷林恩-玛丽坎丽芙真的做到了:因为极度痴迷维多利亚时期的文学作品,坎丽芙每天穿成夏洛蒂勃朗特过着现代生活。勃朗特三姐妹中的夏洛蒂是她的偶像。

    But romantic fiction-lover , Lyn-Marie Cunliffe , has taken her obsession with Victorian literature to the extreme - by living her modern life dressed as her heroine Charlotte Bronte .