
  • 网络Three Stories;Trois contes;Tri
  1. 在与我的朋友Alistair交谈中,他提议为每个需求编写三份故事卡片而不是一份。

    In conversations with my friend Alistair , he proposed writing three story cards instead of just one .

  2. 在JonMuth给孩子们写的《禅宗小故事》一书中,一个名叫“静水”的大熊猫给他的弟弟妹妹Addy,Michael和Karl讲了三个故事。

    In the children 's book Zen Shorts by Jon Muth , a giant panda named Stillwater tells three stories to young siblings Addy , Michael , and Karl .

  3. 工作室BotnikStudios根据前七部哈利波特设计了算法工具,创作出三页故事,名为“哈利波特与大团灰尘疑似图”。

    Botnik Studios created the three-page chapter , titled " Harry Potter and the Portrait of What Looked Like a Large Pile of Ash , " after training an algorithmic tool on all seven of the children 's fantasy novels .

  4. 今天我想向你们讲述我生活中的三个故事。

    Today I want to tell you three stories from my life .

  5. 书桌里有三本故事书和一个书包。

    There three story-books and a schoolbag in the desk .

  6. 这有三个故事,我认为它们是相当不错的例子。

    There are three stories that I think are quite good examples .

  7. 三个故事五个抱抱以及一首专为我而作的歌对吧

    Three stories five hugs and my special song right ?

  8. 到去年他已经写了三篇故事。

    He had written three stories by last year .

  9. 又到我的三个故事五个抱抱一个特别摇篮曲时间啦

    It 's time for my three stories five hugs and special song !

  10. 这三个故事构成了这本书。

    The three story make up the whole book .

  11. 她一生共出版了五部小说,三部故事集和一部自传。

    She published five novels , three collections of stories and an autobiography .

  12. 不是什么大不了的事情,只是三个故事而已。

    No big deal . Just three stories .

  13. 从小红帽的三个故事版本谈结尾的意义

    On Significance of Endings from Three Versions of " Little Red Riding Hood "

  14. 三段故事如此不同,但同时又如此相似;

    Three episodes so different but , at the same time , so similar ;

  15. 第三个故事:一个会变魔术的女人的花园??

    THIRD STORY . Of the Flower-Garden At the Old Woman 's Who Understood Witchcraft

  16. 我的第三个故事是关于死亡的。

    My third story is about death .

  17. 在所有三个故事中,这一个可能是最令我惊讶的

    Now , of our three stories , this one probably surprised me the most ,

  18. 今天我想告诉大家来自我生活的三个故事。

    Today I want to tell you three stories from my life . That 's it .

  19. 来自廷布(不丹首都):宗萨蒋扬钦哲仁波切的第三部故事片注定要是全然不同的。

    Thimphu : Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche 's third feature film is set to be refreshingly different .

  20. 作者很巧妙的从三个故事引申到中国当今所面临的挑战的大背景。

    Mertha artfully places the three small stories into the larger context of China 's present challenges .

  21. 在第三个故事中,除了维持呼吸的部位外,他全部的脑已经损坏。

    In the third , his entire brain was destroyed except for one part that kept him breathing .

  22. 三个故事当中,都讲到一个名叫大卫的男人遭遇车祸并严重受伤。

    In all three , a man called David was involved in a car accident and suffered serious injuries .

  23. 这三个故事中有一个讲述的是一个十多岁的男孩,这个故事很感人,但也有点俗套。

    Of the three stories , one , about a teenage boy , is touching but a little generic ;

  24. 这三位故事讲述者都没有出席颁奖仪式,他们录制该片所获得的收入都捐献给了慈善组织。

    The narrators , who did not take part in the awards ceremony , are donating their fees to charity .

  25. 叔侄之争、为父报仇、俄狄浦斯情结是该剧的三大故事母题。

    There are three parent stories in Hamlet : conflict between uncle and nephew , revenge his father , Oedipus Complex .

  26. 第三个故事讲述的是可爱的彭氏夫妇,他们失去了独子,伤痛欲绝。

    And the third , about the Pengs , a likable couple who lost their only child , is simply heartbreaking .

  27. 而第四季也已开始筹划,这一季的三集故事预计于2015年年底开播。

    The fourth series has already been commissioned and the three episodes are expected to be aired later in the year .

  28. 我希望分享我人生中的三个故事讲讲它们对大家可能有什么帮助

    So I want to share a few stories , 3 stories from my life and how I think they can help you

  29. 碧昂斯还出演了其他一些较为熟知的角色:在翻拍版《粉红豹》中与史蒂夫·马丁演对手戏、在以组合至上女声三重唱故事为蓝本的音乐片《追梦女郎》里担纲主角。

    Other high profile roles include a remake of The Pink Panther opposite Steve Martin and Dreamgirls a musical based on the band the Supremes .

  30. 英剧黑镜第三集故事集中讲述一个男子植入一块芯片,可以重新体验和回看自己过去的人生。

    The episode of the British anthology show centers on a man with an implant that allows him to record and re-watch all of his life experiences .