
  • 网络Sanwei Bookstore;San Wei Bookstore;Sanwei Study;swsw.com.cn
  1. 成长困境的寓言&《从百草园到三味书屋》主题别解

    An Allegory of the Growth-Puzzledom in Childhood & Another Understanding to the Theme of From Baicao Garden to Sanwei Study

  2. 对“百草园”、“三味书屋”意象的象征寓意进行把握,指出《从百草园到三味书屋》是对童年成长过程必然经历自然天趣与文化规束两个阶段、二者共同参与塑造生命形象的寓言写照。

    According to grasping the symbolic moral of " Baicao Garden " and " Sanwei Study ", it 's an allegorical portrayal about life 's growth-course going through two phases of natural interest and cultural restriction necessarily , and both of them participate in shaping life-form .

  3. 丁先生最近告诉一位在北京三味书屋的观众。

    Ding recently told an audience at Sanwei Bookstore in Beijing .

  4. 革命要跟三味书屋讲座一样,每周来一次,地点临时通知。

    Revolutions should be like book readings at San Wei Bookstore : once a week , with the location chosen at the last minute .

  5. 这类书店中的第一家是1988年开张的三味书屋,它邀请过许多有争议性的演讲人,这些人被乌托邦书店的常客们憎恨。

    The first of its kind , Sanwei Bookstore , opened in1988 and has been host to many controversial speakers of the kind that frequenters of Utopia love to hate .