
nà hǎn
  • to shout;yell;whoop;cry out;outcry;shout loudly;shout loudy;loud shouts in support
呐喊 [nà hǎn]
  • [whoop;cry out;shout loudly] 大声呼喊;尤指士兵在战斗或追击时大声叫喊助威

呐喊[nà hǎn]
  1. 鲁迅《呐喊》中辫子意象的文化解读

    The Cultural Interpretation of Plait Image in Lu Xun 's Cry out

  2. 呐喊自由&从查泰莱男爵的残疾来看查泰莱夫人婚外恋的合理性

    Cry out for Freedom & Analyzing the Reasonable Love Affair of Lady Chatterley through the Baronet , sir Clifford 's Disability

  3. 利兹队的球迷在激情高昂地呐喊助威。

    The Leeds supporters were in full cry .

  4. 我们认为直到工业革命时期才出现了要求彻底变革的第一波呐喊。

    We observe that the first calls for radical transformation did not begin until the period of the industrial revolution

  5. 我们为运动员呐喊鼓劲。

    We yelled encouragement at the players .

  6. 咱们去看足球比赛,为咱们最喜爱的球队呐喊助威。

    Let 's go to the football game and cheer for our favorite team .

  7. 他们在为主队呐喊助威。

    They were shouting for the home team .

  8. 却被村民们鼓噪呐喊,鸣铳放炮赶了出来。

    But he was driven out by the villagers who were beating drums and detonating firecrackers .

  9. 艺术大师爱德华•蒙克的油画巨作《呐喊》于2012年5月2日在纽约的一家拍卖行成交。最后成交价为1.2亿美元,成为拍卖史上最昂贵的油画之一。

    Edvard Munch 's iconic artwork The Scream was sold on 2 May 2012 in a New York auction2 house for $ 120 million , making it one of the most expensive paintings ever auctioned3 .

  10. 这清澈响亮的呐喊在工党内引发了一场危机,威胁到当时党魁迈克尔富特(MichaelFoot)的地位。

    This clarion cry provoked a crisis in the Labour party that threatened the leadership of Michael Foot .

  11. 在容纳48000人的天河体育场内,首尔FC的小规模球迷队伍一直在坚持呐喊助威,但远远不敌恒大球迷的声势。

    The small but persistent group of FC Seoul fans in the stadium was easily drowned out by booing and singing in the 48000-capacity venue .

  12. 获奖者包括北极猴子乐队、原始呐喊乐队和获得过两次水星音乐奖的PJ哈维。

    They include Arctic Monkeys , Primal Scream and PJ Harvey , this won the prize twice .

  13. 研究者们对48个初学走路的婴儿进行研究,每个婴儿由一位辅导员拉着,随着披头士乐队(Beatles)演唱的《摇摆和呐喊》(TwistandShout)的节奏轻轻跳大约两分钟。

    Researchers worked with 48 toddlers , each held by an assistant and gently bounced for about two minutes to the rhythm of the Beatles ' version of Twist and Shout .

  14. 这场堪称20世纪历时最长的冠军卫冕赛,在进行到2小时48分钟时,Nelson因故意腰下攻击被判下场,这时就连头发花白的勘探者看客都呐喊欢呼起来。

    Even grizzled prospectors whooped when , after two hours and 48 minutes , the longest championship fight of the 20th century , Nelson was disqualified for a deliberate low blow .

  15. 共和党则声称,像MrWaxman这样宣称关心美国人就业问题却为誓要抑制美国企业成长减少就业的官僚们呐喊助威。

    Isn 't it strange , Republicans retort , that people like Mr Waxman , who profess to care about working Americans , cheer on bureaucrats determined to smother business and destroy jobs ?

  16. 《呐喊》本身也有其神秘色彩。它是挪威房地产开发商、船业继承人奥尔森(PetterOlsen)的藏品之一。在他成长期间,这幅画一直挂在童年时期居所的起居室内。

    ' The Scream ' carries its own mystique , having come from the collection of Petter Olsen , a Norwegian real-estate developer and shipping heir who grew up with the work in the living room of his childhood home .

  17. 非暴力呐喊者鲁迅

    Lu Xun 's Voice & One of An Exponent of Nonviolence

  18. 奔向2008,为奥运呐喊助威!

    March toward 2008 to Shout Encouragement for the Olympic Games !

  19. 时代的呼唤与呐喊&解读《解冻》

    Call and Cheer of the Age & Interpretation of Thaw ;

  20. 厌倦所有,我对安息呐喊。

    Tired with all these , for restful death I cry .

  21. 那是辛多雷消逝的生命无声无息的呐喊!

    That is the life of Blood Elves disappear silent cry !

  22. 战鼓掩饰了心跳声,我就大喊大叫乱喳喳,从心底发出的呐喊。

    War drums black-out the beating heart , howling from inside .

  23. 让50年代隐藏在传统下的呐喊重现;

    Let the50 's hide under the tradition the call reproduction ;

  24. 这是关于艺术的朋克,但源于人类自然的呐喊

    This is art punk , but at it 's most primal

  25. 垂死苏俄人的呐喊像音乐一样悦耳。

    The screams of dying Russians is music to my ears .

  26. 我学着其他父亲一样大声呐喊着。

    I shouted to him just as the other fathers did .

  27. 让我们的呐喊由火红的地底直达乌黑的天上去!

    Let us be heard from red core to black sky .

  28. 感谢那些在你经过的时候为你呐喊的人。

    Acknowledge supporters who cheer for you as you pass them .

  29. 将所有的情感一股脑儿的呐喊出来的欲望。

    The desire to pour out our emotion completely and immediately .

  30. 我的激烈抗议只不过是我的灵魂的呐喊罢了。

    My burning protest is only the cry of my soul .
