
  • 网络art theory;fine art theory
  1. 1999年至2000年,任光州朝鲜大学美术理论客座教授;

    1999-2000 , Visiting Professor in Fine Art Theory , Chosun University , Kwangju ;

  2. 突出美术理论的科学性、人文性和创新性。

    Highlight the art theory of science , humanities , and innovation .

  3. 写实主义油画是中国当代美术理论争辩中,一个永恒的主题。

    Realistic painting is an eternal theme in Chinese contemporary art theory .

  4. 审美问题是贯穿于整个现代艺术和美术理论中的核心问题。

    Aesthetic appreciation is a key item in modern art and art theory .

  5. 本文主要论述意大利文艺复兴时期的美术理论中的模仿论。

    This paper focus on the imitation theory in Italian Renaissance art theory .

  6. 高校美术理论教学新理念探究

    Searching Teaching Concept on Theory of Art in University

  7. 当代美术理论的热闹与窘困

    The Flourish and Leanness of Contemporary Arts Theory

  8. 目前中国美术理论界在繁华中存在着严重的理论危机。

    At present , there are serious theoretic crises in China 's realm of the theory of fine arts .

  9. 它是在现代美术理论评判体系下对中国的笔墨语言的一个称谓。

    It is a call of Chinese brush-ink language in the theory judgement system of the modern fine arts .

  10. 这既是他自己艺术实践的总结,也是他对现实主义美术理论研究的成果。

    The rules provide a good summary of his art practice and also represent a big achievement in modern realist fine arts research .

  11. 技巧训练课程、美术理论课程、专业实践课程,是我国高等美术专业的主干课程。

    The curriculums of skill training , fine arts theory and the specialty practice are the main classes of Chinese higher fine arts specialty .

  12. 中国水墨画在当代的发展一直是多元的、散乱的,也是美术理论界争论的焦点之一。

    The development of contemporary Chinese ink and wash painting is diversified and irregular . It is also one of the focuses that discussing in the art academy .

  13. 从这个意义上来说,现有的重技法轻美术理论考试方法和重专业课轻文化课的录取标准是一种必然结果。

    In this sense , the current enrollment standards are consequentially inclined to emphasis on technique while make light of theory , emphasis on specialized courses while make light of literacy courses .

  14. 第二章,突破传统美术理论对西方现代绘画单纯进行技法层面的分析的局限性,强调了画家潜意识中的异化、分裂与画面中的变形的映射关系。

    Chapter II , Breakthrough the limitations of traditional art theory on modern western painting purely focus on techniques , highlight the relationship between dissimilation , cleavage in subconscious mind of artist and " distortion " in paintings .

  15. 俞剑华在美术理论研究中,重视文献学在美术学科的运用,重视学科的基本建设和实地调查,注重艺术实践与理论相结合。

    Yu Jianhua in fine arts fundamental research , takes the literature study in the fine arts discipline utilization , takes the discipline the capital construction and on-the-spot investigation , pays great attention the artistic practice and the theory unifies .

  16. 略论高师美术专业理论教学的重要性

    The Significance of the Theory Teaching of Art Specialties in Higher Teachers Colleges

  17. 由于传统研究方法的原因,美术学理论研究一般囿于作者中心论的方法,作品本身的形式语言价值被忽略了。

    Because of the traditional research method , art theory research is generally founded in the writer-centred method , neglecting the formal language value of the work .

  18. 本文的研究是力图开阔梯阶装置在舞台设计中的创作视野,为深入舞台美术的理论研究与创作提供理论支持。

    This study tries to widen the creative vision of stair devise in stage design , and provide the theoretical support to further theoretical study and creation of the stage art .

  19. 尤其是在国家第八次教育改革浪潮中,新课标研制并试行的形势下,我们有必要再次审视传统美术教育理论,挖掘其中的深层价值。

    Especially on the wave of national eighth educational reform and under the situation of developing and trying out new standard of course . We should survey theory of conventional artistic education and tap its deep value .

  20. 年高等教育出版社出版的《美术技法理论》第页有关立方体199539平行透视的概念和图示有待进一步商榷。

    The concept and graphical representations about the parallel perspectivity of cubes on page 39 in Theory of Line Arts Techniques and Skills ( Perspectivism / Dissection ) published by Higher Education Press in 1995 are pending further discuss .

  21. 基于本人平日对对艺术教育理念的认识,美术教育理论的研习,对美术人才培养模式的理解,对教育现状的分析,以及对高职院校工艺美术专业课程建设与实施的种种尝试。

    Based on my personal ferial education concept understanding of rightness art , art education theory , the study of art talents training mode of education status of understanding , analysis , and crafts in higher vocational colleges are the professional course construction and implementation of trial .

  22. 小学美术个性化教育理论研究与模式构建

    The Theoretical Study and Pattern Construction in Elementary Schools about Art Personality Education

  23. 女性绘画作为女性艺术范畴的一部分,在整个美术史的理论建构中有着举足轻重的地位。

    As a part of female arts , female painting plays a very important role in the construction of art history theoretical .

  24. 改善目前高师师资队伍的结构配置,通过人才培养,再教育等手段,加强高师美术专业的理论教育。

    To improve the structure allocation of teachers in higher teachers colleges ; and to strengthen the theoretical education of art specialties in higher teachers collages by means of personnel training and reeducation .

  25. 美术创造性教学的理论与实践探究

    A Probe into the Theory and Practice of Creative Teaching of Art

  26. 美术创作教学的理论研究

    Simply talking how to lecture the teaching theory of the art created

  27. 加强对美术文化的基础理论研究,是当前美术学学科研究的重点课题。

    Currently within art research it is of great importance to enhance the basic theory of art culture .

  28. 首先,介绍基本潜意识理论和探讨本能、升华、原型、直觉等潜意识概念观点,了解有关于现代美术教育的潜意识理论和观点;

    First , it introduces the basic theory of the subconscious inquires into the concept of instinct , sublimate , prototype intuition .

  29. 对于哲学和美术学的相关理论问题的引入也采取了同样的方式,从室内建筑学的角度重新认识和解释。

    Philosophy , art and some related theoretically issue has taken the same way . Interior architecture provides new perspective and interpretation for us .

  30. 毕生致力于美术和相关艺术理论研究,曾经从事雕塑、工艺美术、平面设计等工作。

    For more than a decade dedicated to art and art-related theoretical research , has been engaged in sculpture , arts and crafts , graphic design and so on .