首页 / 词典 / good


měi hǎo
  • beautiful;happy;fine;desirable;glorious;fragrant
美好 [měi hǎo]
  • [desirable;fine;glorious;happy;beautiful] 在各方面都使人喜欢;极好

  • 美好的天气

  • 美好的计划

美好[měi hǎo]
  1. 那些美好的日子被留在了这些相片上。

    Those fine days were captured in these photos .

  2. 这是整个J2EE体系结构的一个美好目标,但在构建商业应用程序中却是一种十分危险的方法。

    This is a fine goal for the overall J2EE architecture but a very dangerous approach in building business applications .

  3. 他们并不满足于那些美好未来的空话。

    They refused to settle for a promise of jam tomorrow .

  4. 她把他们在意大利的共同生活描绘得非常美好。

    She painted a rosy picture of their life together in Italy .

  5. 一般认为这是该国家最美好的一段时光。

    This was often thought of as the country 's finest hour .

  6. 在波兰的岁月给我留下了美好的回忆。

    I have happy memories of my years in Poland .

  7. 她的新书唤起人们对乡村生活的美好感情。

    Her new book is wonderfully evocative of village life .

  8. 环境气氛无可挑剔,正是一个美好的圣诞节所需要的。

    It was the perfect setting for a wonderful Christmas .

  9. 那是美好一天的圆满结束。

    It was the perfect ending to the perfect day .

  10. 这是我一生中最美好的一天。

    It was the best day of my life .

  11. 仅以此短笺感谢您安排的美好的夜晚。

    Just a quick note to say thank you for a wonderful evening .

  12. 这旅馆有一种舒适美好、宾至如归的气氛。

    The hotel had a nice , homey atmosphere .

  13. 这些照片唤起了许多美好的回忆。

    The photos bring back lots of good memories .

  14. 我们想创造更美好的生活。

    We want to build a better life .

  15. 她感受不到美好音乐的妙处。

    She shows little appreciation of good music .

  16. 人都爱把过去的日子说得那么美好。

    It is tempting to idealize the past .

  17. 我非常乐意给这样美好的事业提供援助。

    I was more than happy to lend my support to such a good cause .

  18. 担任这一新的职务算不上是真正的提职,不过有美好的前途。

    The new job is not a promotion as such , but it has good prospects .

  19. 尽管天气一会儿好一会儿差,我们仍然度过了一个美好的周末。

    Despite the unsettled weather , we had a marvellous weekend .

  20. 婚姻生活并不像他想象的那么浪漫美好。

    Married life was not as idyllic as he had imagined .

  21. 我对乡村生活有着十分美好的回忆。

    I have very fond memories of living in our village .

  22. 美好的户外活动不必很奢侈。

    Life in the great outdoors isn 't supposed to be luxurious .

  23. 和他一起度过两周的想法听起来似乎十分美好。

    The idea of spending two weeks with him may seem heavenly .

  24. 孩子们不在的时候,我和萨拉度过了一段美好时光。

    Sarah and I had a great time while the kids were away

  25. 我试着回忆在这里度过的所有美好时光。

    I try to remember all the good times I 've had here .

  26. 他们希望能够诞生一个崭新的、更加美好的东德。

    Their hope was that a new and better East Germany could be born

  27. 真是太棒了——这是我生命中最美好的一天。

    It was magic — one of the best days of my life .

  28. 就像最精彩的故事那样,这个故事也许仍会有个美好的结局。

    Like the best stories , this one may yet have a happy end

  29. 这次胜利勾起了他对往昔那些夺冠岁月的美好回忆。

    The win revived glorious memories of his championship-winning days

  30. 让世界变得更美好的梦想

    Dreams of changing the world for the better .