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jí chí
  • Gallop;hurtle;fly;streak;hell;scorch;gallop at full speed;gallop away at high speed
疾驰 [jí chí]
  • [hell;gallop away at high speed] 飞快地奔驰

  • 警车疾驰而过

疾驰[jí chí]
  1. 一辆汽车驶出后沿着公路疾驰而去。

    A car pulled out and streaked off down the road .

  2. 劳拉驾驶一辆汽车疾驰而过。

    A car swept past with Laura at the wheel .

  3. 他们骑自行车沿公路疾驰。

    They went spinning along the roads on their bikes .

  4. 我们不久便在乡村的公路上疾驰了。

    Soon we were bowling along the country roads .

  5. 一辆吉普车拖着一股扬尘,朝我疾驰而来。

    A jeep trailing a cloud of dust was speeding in my direction .

  6. 一辆汽车从他们身边疾驰而过。

    A car flashed past them at speed .

  7. 汽车沿着公路疾驰而去。

    The car was burning down the road .

  8. 卡车从大门前疾驰而过。

    A truck tore past the gates .

  9. 救护车高声鸣笛疾驰而过。

    Ambulances raced by with sirens wailing .

  10. 车辆从我们身边疾驰而过。

    Traffic zoomed past us .

  11. 一辆警车从他们身边擦身疾驰而过。

    A police car zoomed by very close to them .

  12. 一辆火车疾驰而过,排屋的墙都摇晃起来。

    A train rocketed by , shaking the walls of the row houses

  13. 他们在他身边疾驰而过,他赶紧让到一边。

    He stood to one side as they careened past him

  14. 他拼命地闪身躲开一辆试图撞倒他的疾驰的汽车。

    He desperately dodged a speeding car trying to run him down .

  15. 驱车在奈茨布里奇大街上疾驰而过,感觉就好像回到了过去。

    It felt just like old times , to bowl down Knightsbridge .

  16. 两名男子跳上吉普车,疾驰而去。

    The two men leaped into the jeep and roared off

  17. 参谋官们骑着骏马一路疾驰而去。

    Staff officers galloped fine horses down the road .

  18. 汽车从我们身边疾驰而过,蹭到墙壁上然后戛然刹住。

    The car hurtled past us , scraping the wall and screeching to a halt

  19. 飞机轰鸣着沿着跑道疾驰,准备起飞。

    The plane roared down the runway for takeoff

  20. 我们飞快地来了个180度的转弯,然后沿着圣米歇尔大道向南疾驰而去。

    We did an extremely fast U-turn and shot south up the Boulevard St. Michel

  21. 温斯顿少校策马疾驰而去。

    Major Winston galloped into the distance .

  22. 一匹名为切厄克帕的赛马从他右侧疾驰而过,以一鼻之差获胜。

    Chirkpar rattled past him on the right to snatch the prize by a nose .

  23. 我们骑着马疾驰而去。

    We rode at a spanking trot .

  24. 一辆汽车疾驰而过。

    A car whizzed past .

  25. 出租车疾驰而过。

    The cabs sailed past .

  26. 马疾驰下山。

    The horse galloped down the hill .

  27. 那匹受惊的马疾驰而去。

    The frightened horse galloped away .

  28. 我领先了半英里,一阵风似的向前疾驰。

    I was half a mile in the lead , burning the earth like a gust of wind .

  29. 白云在天空疾驰而过

    White clouds scudded across the sky .

  30. 去年某一天的傍晚,住在纽约州卡梅伦(Cameron)的埃德里奇从自家花园抬头往外看时,发现一名神情茫然的司机困在附近的一个铁路道口上,对朝着她的车子疾驰而来的火车浑然不觉。

    Looking up from her garden one evening at her Cameron , N.Y. , home , Ms. Eldridge saw a confused 81-year-old driver stuck at a railroad crossing nearby , oblivious to the train speeding toward her car .