
  • 网络Disease etiology;pathogeny
  1. 目前,dsRNA,特别是siRNA已被广泛而成功地应用于诸如基因功能研究以及疾病病因与治疗研究等多个领域[13-16]。

    DsRNA and siRNA have already been widely and successfully utilized for study of gene function and disease therapy research .

  2. 阻塞性涎腺疾病病因研究及治疗进展

    Research advances in etiology and treatment of obstructive salivary gland disease

  3. 染色体技术诊断遗传性疾病病因的应用遗传性与先天性疾病

    Application of chromosomal technology in the etiological diagnosis of hereditary diseases

  4. 性病门诊以生殖器溃疡为主要表现的疾病病因初探

    The Etiology of Genital Ulcer Diseases in Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinics

  5. 性病门诊女性生殖器溃疡性疾病病因分析

    Etiology of Female Genital Ulcer in Patients Attending A Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinic

  6. 微量元素与常见疾病病因及诊断指标的研究进展

    Advance in Study on Relation between Trace Elements and Cause of Common Diseases

  7. 腰椎疾病病因、诊疗方法的研究

    The Diagnosis and Treatment of Lumbar Diseases

  8. 结果显示:急性肾间质小管性疾病病因可多种多样,损害程度为可逆性和不可逆性;

    The results show that the causes which result in acute renal tubulointerstitial disease are different ;

  9. 结论TRDS是诊断男性不育疾病病因的一种有价值的检测手段。

    Conclusion TRUS maybe one the most valuable sensitive techniques for the pathogeny diagnosis in male infertility .

  10. 结论:心源性猝死及脑卒中是院前死亡的主要疾病病因。

    Conclusion : Sudden cardiac death and stroke are the major reasons of the death on arrival .

  11. 此综述将简要概述的这一灾难性疾病病因、诊断及最新的治疗。

    This review will briefly outline the causes , diagnosis , and up-to-date management of this devastating illness .

  12. 前者为外感疾病病因分类,后者为症候分类。

    The former is the classification of exogenous causes of disease , while the latter is one of symptoms-complex .

  13. 尽管经过了数十年的研究,这种罕见的复杂疾病病因仍不清楚。

    Despite decades of research , the cause of this rare and complicated disease has yet to be discovered .

  14. 目的为小儿下呼吸道疾病病因检查提供一种无损伤或损伤小的采集小儿气管内痰液的检查方法。

    Objective To provide a non damage or less damage sputum collecting method for tracheal examining for child patients with respiratory disease .

  15. 养殖贝类病害的不断爆发以及各种疾病病因的多样性迫切要求制定新的疾病防治措施,开发新型的抗菌物质或处理方法。

    The etiological diversity of pathogens and the repeated appearance of new diseases led to develop new approaches for the control of diseases .

  16. 综述了近年来我国微量元素与常见疾病病因及诊断指标的研究。微量元素与常见疾病有互为因果的关系,及时诊断疾病对于正确应用微量元素治疗疾病有重要意义。

    A review with 41 references is given on the study on the relation between trace elements and cause of common diseases and clinical diagnostic indexes .

  17. 他正在研究那种疾病的病因。

    He is doing research on the causes of the disease .

  18. 目的评价CT对肝外胆道梗阻性疾病的病因诊断价值。

    Objective To evaluate the value of CT in etiological diagnosis of obstructive disease in extra-hepatic bile duct .

  19. 结论CT对大部分肝外胆道梗阻性疾病的病因可作出正确诊断,诊断率约822%。

    Conclusion CT could make the correct etiological diagnosis of the disease of obstructive disease in extra-hepatic bile duct with diagnostic rate 82.2 % commonly .

  20. 当AIDS出现时,人们很快就了解了这种疾病及其病因,虽然理解AIDS预防措施的时间长了些。

    When AIDS came on the scene people quickly got to know about the disease and its causes although prevention took longer .

  21. 目的探讨多层螺旋CT(MSCT)在胃肠疾病急腹症病因诊断中的价值。

    Objective To explore the diagnostic value of multi-slice spiral CT ( MSCT ) in acute abdomen of gastrointestinal diseases .

  22. 目的膝骨性关节炎(Osteoarthritis,OA)是中老年人群多发疾病,病因和发病机制尚不清楚。

    Purpose Knee osteoarthritis ( Osteoarthritis , OA ) is multiple diseases in the older age groups , etiology and pathogenesis is not clear .

  23. 原发性FSGS是一种正在增长的终末期肾脏疾病的病因。

    Primary FSGS is an increasing cause of end-stage renal disease .

  24. 结论对COPD患者实施护理干预可提高患者对COPD疾病的病因、治疗、诱发因素等的了解;是改善患者气短症状、神经精神症状、血气、肺功能等的有效措施。

    Conclusion Nursing interventions to COPD patients could improve symptoms of COPD such as short of breath , mental condition , blood gas and pulmonary function .

  25. 目的:类风湿关节炎(RA)是以滑膜慢性炎症和关节破坏为特点的自身免疫性疾病,病因和发病机制尚不完全清楚。

    Objective : Rheumatoid arthritis ( RA ) is an autoimmune disease characterized by chronic synovial inflammation and destruction of joints . The etiology and pathogenesis of RA remain unknown .

  26. 研究背景:在成年期疾病的病因研究中,Barker提出宫内发育迟缓可能引起成年期的高血压。

    Background : The theory of fetal origins of adult disease raised by Barker suggests that fetus retarded development may contribute to adult 's hypertension .

  27. 虽然,囊性纤维跨膜通道调节因子基因(CFTR)突变是这种疾病的病因,但在患有CF的病人之间的不同基因的变异会改变这种疾病的严重度。

    Although it is known that mutations in the CFTR gene cause the disease , variations in other genes between individuals with CF modify the severity of the disease .

  28. 卵巢早衰(POF)是临床诊断中呈逐年上升趋势的妇科内分泌疾病,病因病机复杂,给患者带来了巨大的痛苦。

    Premature ovarian failure is a gynecological endocrine disease which showed tendency to rise year by year in clinical diagnosis . The pathogeny and pathogenesis is complicated , it has brought great suffering to patients .

  29. Proteus综合征是一种散发且表现复杂的罕见疾病,病因不明。特征为多种组织非对称性、不规则的过度生长,脑回状结缔组织痣、表皮痣、血管畸形及脂肪组织异常。

    Proteus syndrome is a rare , sporadic and complex disorder characterized by asymmetric , disproportionate overgrowth of multiple tissues , presence of cerebriform connective tissue nevi and epidermal nevi , vascular malformation and abnormality of fat tissues .

  30. CVHD检测指标能够从不同角度反映脑血管的功能的生理和病理状态,在脑血管疾病的病因研究、早期诊断、卒中高危人群筛检、预防和治疗效果观察以及预后研究中具有重要的应用价值。

    CVHD analysis was provided with important role in study etiology , early diagnosis , high risk population screen , prevention , treatment and prognosis of cerebral vascular disease .