
jīng guò shí jiān
  • elapsed time
经过时间[jīng guò shí jiān]
  1. 如果整个查询经过时间中所节省的时间比完成RUNSTATS所增加的时间大得多,就建议发出RUNSTATS。

    The recommendation is to issue RUNSTATS if the savings in total query elapsed time is much greater than the additional time to do RUNSTATS .

  2. 负阻尼周期运动的经过时间

    Elapsed Time of Periodic Motion with Negative Damping

  3. 遵照这种经过时间考验已被证实可信的方法。

    Follow the tried and trusted methods that have stood the test of time .

  4. 本文介绍CPU性能优化的方法,并提供经过时间验证的步骤,可以帮助您完成整个优化过程。

    This article covers the methodology for CPU performance tuning and provides you with time-tested steps that assist you throughout your tuning process .

  5. 结论DBI具有复杂的病理学改变,烯醇化酶(NSE)可用于早期鉴定及损伤经过时间的推断。

    Conclusion There are complicated pathologic changes in DBI , NSE can diagnose and date early DBI .

  6. RC200的设计是以经过时间检验的拨叉结构为基础的,这个结构可以在活塞刚开始运动及运动结束时提供大的扭矩。

    The RC200 series is based on our time-tested Scotch Yoke principle which provides high torque at the beginning and end of each operation .

  7. 随伤后经过时间延长,肿胀程度逐渐减弱;

    The degree of astrocytic swelling were gradually declined with prolonging survival time .

  8. 这些经过时间考验的真理永远都不会是秘密,相反,是全天下人都知道的。

    Time-tested rules are never secret , rather , they are universally acknowledged .

  9. 利用尸体角膜内皮细胞活性率判定死后经过时间的研究

    Estimating time of death by determing the endothelial cell living rate from corpse cornea

  10. 结果大鼠躯体组织的电阻抗随着死后经过时间的延长存在规律性变化。

    ResultThe rat postmortem tissues or body segments impedance changes along postmortem interval regularly .

  11. 架构师可以偏爱任何经典的、经过时间考验的软件系统开发方法。

    An architect can be partial to any of the classic and long-tested software systems development methodologies .

  12. 即使是“软脱钩论”的支持者也承认,这一理论的局限性尚未经过时间的检验。

    Even proponents of " soft decoupling " acknowledge its limits have not been tested over time .

  13. 不少偏方经过时间的考验很有效,其中肯定是有根据的。

    Many folk remedies have stood the test of time , so there must be something in them .

  14. 也正因为如此,她的那身婚纱经过时间的洗礼,却仍记忆犹新,受到大家的追捧。

    Also because of this , she 's the wedding after the baptism of time , but still fresh , by everybody .

  15. 虽然很容易找出经过时间检验的机制,可是关于较新的机制的资料还没有广为人知。

    While it 's easy to find out about the time-tested mechanisms , information about the newer mechanisms isn 't as widely known .

  16. 如果课程未学习、骤被省略,那么经过时间累积,进化扭曲程度将越来越严重。

    If lessons go unlearned and steps are skipped , it leads to a greater and greater level of distortion in evolution over time .

  17. 经过时间补偿后的参考节点再与邻居节点进行同步时,各参考节点同步范围内所有节点的时间偏差就会相应减少,既而提高整网的时间同步精度。

    After some synchronization the time offset can be decreased among the different reference nodes . So the time synchronization of the whole network is improved .

  18. 《现代汉语词典》(以下简称《现汉》)是中国第一部规范型现代汉语词典,其权威性早已经过时间和实践的检验。

    Modern Chinese Dictionary ( MCD for short ) is regarded as the first normal form Chinese dictionary , and its authority has already been proved by time and practice .

  19. 经过时间的洗礼,我先自己的情商低于我认识的身边朋友,特别是她,智商顺其自然就好了,但我要

    After the baptism time , I would like to own EQ less than I know around friends , especially her IQ can be a way of , but I have to

  20. 经过长时间辩论,国会通过了这项提议。

    After a long debate , Congress approved the proposal .

  21. 经过长时间的包围,这座孤城被迫投降。

    After a long siege , the town was forced to yield .

  22. 经过长时间的谈判,奥格登得到了他想要的那笔生意。

    After protracted negotiations , Ogden got the deal he wanted

  23. 经过长时间的辩论后,会议通过了此议案。

    After a long debate , the meeting approved the bill .

  24. 经过长时间热烈的讨论,终于达成了最后协议。

    After a long and heated discussion , the final agreement was arrived in the end .

  25. 经过长时间的酝酿,控制反转模式(InversionofControl)已经得到了广泛的应用。

    Inversion of Control ( IoC ) pattern has moved to the center stage recently after a long gestation period .

  26. 如果经过的时间数小于interval,则什么也不发生。

    If the amount time that has elapsed is less than the interval , nothing else happens .

  27. 但Ag在经过长时间热处理之后,抗拉强度变得很低。

    However , the tensile strength of Ag becomes very low after a long time of heattreatment .

  28. 标记的interval属性指的是从上次输出相同类型的冗余GC事件起所经过的时间。

    The tag 's interval attribute corresponds to the time elapsed since the last verbose GC event of the same type was output .

  29. 如果自其上次更新以来所经过的时间超过五秒,则会在该按钮的单击事件处理程序中调用第一个面板的update方法。

    In the button 's click event handler , the update method of the first panel is called if more than five seconds have elapsed since its last update .

  30. 对于heartbeat事件类型,它用来表示从triggerstart事件起所经过的时间(如果它是当前GC循环的第一次心跳)。

    In the case of the heartbeat event type , it can represent the time since the trigger start event if it 's the first heartbeat for the current GC cycle .