
  • 网络Medical error
  1. 2000年《AnOrganizationwithaMemory》报告披露了英国医疗差错的严重程度,同年布莱尔首相发布NHS改革五年计划。

    The report of " An Organization with a Memory " revealed the severity of medical errors and adverse events in the UK in 2000 , and subsequently Minister Blair announced a five-year reform program for NHS .

  2. 报告引述致命的医疗差错。

    Report cites deadly medical errors .

  3. 且入院≤3d、20:00~8:00医疗差错显著低于对照组(均P<0.05)。

    The errors taking place within 3 days after admission and at 20:00 to 8:00 were significantly lower than those of the controls ( P < 0.05 for all ) .

  4. 结果:160例ACS患者,绝大部分得到了迅速及时的抢救、正确的诊治,抢救诊治护理的过程顺利迅速,避免了重大医疗差错的发生。

    Result : The most of the 160 cases were cared and rescued smoothly and quickly on the Diagnositic and rescued course of nursing care in ED , without severe medical error .

  5. 尤其在HIS、PACS、RIS的集成和优化工作流程中,能更好地提高工作效率、增加检查量、减少医疗差错以及降低医疗机构的管理成本。

    Especially in integration of HIS PACS RIS and optimization workflow , it is can improve work efficiency and throughput , reduce healthcare errors and management cost of healthcare institution .

  6. 准确掌握和统计医疗差错信息,对促进医疗安全有着积极意义。

    Exact information of medical error is very important to medical safe .

  7. 无线技术在避免医疗差错中的应用研究

    Application Research of Using Wireless Technology to Avoid Medical Mistake

  8. 建立医疗差错和不良事件报告系统确保病人安全

    Building medial errors and adverse events reporting system to improve patients ' safety

  9. 美国的医疗差错报告制度及借鉴意义

    Error Reporting System in America and Use of Reference

  10. 国外处理医疗差错的经验

    Experience of Managing Medical Treatment Errors in Foreign

  11. 基于保密原则的医疗差错报告系统研究

    Research on the Secrecy Medical Error Reporting System

  12. 目的探讨询问式查对在预防医疗差错中的作用。

    Objective To examine the effect of inquiry-checking in the prevention of errors in medical services .

  13. 报告引述致命的医疗差错

    Report cites deadly medical errors

  14. 自那时以来,人们做出许多新的努力来降低医疗差错发生率。

    Since then , there have been many new efforts to reduce the incidence of medical errors .

  15. 公众和许多医师都支持惩处那些被认为对严重医疗差错负有责任的医疗保健专业人员。

    The public and many physicians supported the use of sanctions against individual health professionals perceived as responsible for serious errors .

  16. 加强医院风险管理是减少医疗差错、改善病人安全的有效途径。

    In order to reduce medical error and improve patient safety , one effective way is to enhance hospital risk management .

  17. 普及和提高全民病人安全知识,是美国政府减少可预防的医疗差错的重要措施之一。

    To spread and improve patient 's safety knowledge among whole population is one of the important methods by USA government to reduce preventable medical error .

  18. 为加快他们的进程,全国性团体组织特别需要让医师相信,当前减少医疗差错的计划将会非常有效。

    To advance their agenda , national groups need to convince physicians , in particular , that the current proposals for reducing errors will be very effective .

  19. 如果所有三种类型的医疗差错都能在没有公开羞辱的危险下进行阐述,那么评价就更可能是公开的和诚实的。

    If medical errors of all three types can be addressed without the threat of public humiliation , the assessment is more likely to be open and honest .

  20. 结果发现,大多数患者对医师告知医疗差错有强烈的要求,但认为其合理要求在现实中没有得到充分满足。

    The surrey showed that the majority of patients had strong demands on doctors'disclosure of medical error , while believing that their reasonable requirements had not been met .

  21. 结果经过一系列人性化的护理管理,与护理有关的医疗差错明显下降,护理人员的积极性充分调动起来,自觉学习业务知识,护理质量和科研的开展等都上了一个台阶。

    The quality of nursing serving , operational learning and scientific research have developed . The management with humanism may mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of the nurse .

  22. 简要地回顾了美国医疗差错报告制度实行的概况,希望对促进我国医疗事故报告制度的建设有所借鉴。

    We review the general situation of medical error reporting system in America , hope that it will use of reference to make our reporting system more perfect .

  23. 周一发布的一项研究结果显示,医疗差错危害十五分之一的住院儿童&这一数字超出了早期估计。

    CHICAGO-The results of a study released Monday in the journal Pediatrics show that medical errors harm one out of15 children who are hospitalized-a number greater than earlier estimates .

  24. 道歉是如此重要,以至于很多家医院都培训他们的员工在出现医疗差错后要对患者及其家属表示歉意,因为院方发现这么做可以阻止他们对医疗事故提起诉讼。

    Apologies are so important that many hospitals train their staffs to say they are sorry to patients and their families following a medical mistake because they 've found it deters malpractice lawsuits .

  25. 目的:为进一步提高药师药物咨询的服务质量,减少医疗差错和患儿家长的不必要往返,防止医疗纠纷提供参考。

    OBJECTIVE : To provide references for the improvement of pharmacists ' service quality in providing drug consultation so as to reduce malpractice and the unnecessary returning of patient 's parents and to prevent medical disputes .

  26. 经过5年改革,在增强公众医疗差错意识、建立病人安全中心、制定医疗安全执行标准、应用信息技术、建立差错报告系统等方面取得了一定的成绩,建立了完善的医疗风险监管机制。

    After 5 years , a well-developed medical risk management system was established with the improvement in the public awareness of medical errors , patient safety , performance criteria of medical safety , information technology and error reporting system .

  27. 据15年统计,医疗差错是造成医疗纠纷的主要原因,在市场经济新形势下,重大医疗纠纷的处理时间日趋延长。

    According to the data provided by 15 years of statistics , malpractice is the main cause of medical tangle . Under the new circumstances of market economy , the time it takes to handle serious tangle cases is getting longer through juridical process .

  28. 病人安全与医疗护理差错日益受到人们关注。

    The improvement of patient safety and the prevention of medical errors have become the major concerns of health care providers .

  29. 医疗行为和差错的性质等是信息;

    Medical behavior and error nature are information ;

  30. 系统的应用可以规范医疗文书,减少差错发生,提高工作效率,培养医师的临床工作经验。

    The application of the system helps the normalization of medical records , reducing mistakes , improving work efficiency and clinical doctors work experiences .