
  • 网络Medical social insurance;medical insurance
  1. 我国医疗社会保险的体系及存在问题

    The medical insurance system of China and its problems

  2. 医疗社会保险制度运行动态分析及启示&以贵州为例

    The Operational Dynamics of Social Health Insurance and its Implications & The Case of Guizhou Province

  3. 甘肃省农村残疾人群体参加医疗社会保险状况的影响因素研究

    Research on the Influence Factors of Gansu Rural Disabled 's State That to Participate Medical Social Insurance

  4. 目前的农村残疾人所能享受的医疗社会保险情况究竟如何,哪些因素会影响农村残疾人参加医疗社会保险的状况,这是我们非常关心的问题。

    Which factors will influence the state of rural disabled that to Participate Medical Social Insurance ? We concerned these problems .

  5. 通过医疗社会保险的实施,在劳动者生病或受伤后,国家或社会对其提供医疗服务或经济补偿。

    As the medical social insurance programmes are being put into effect , the government or society will provide medical services or economic compensation for the people who fall ill or injured by accident .

  6. 通过对中国城镇社会保险体系的分析,本研究发现目前的社会保险体系存在一系列的反再分配问题,包括:整体制度模式中的问题和养老、医疗社会保险中的问题。

    Through an analysis of system of urban social insurance in China , originally discover a series of reallocation problems instead exist in the present social insurance system , including : Question and supporting parents , question in medical social insurance in the whole system mode .

  7. 这还没有考虑到医疗与社会保险体系的大量表外负债。

    And this ignores the vast off-balance-sheet liabilities of the Medicare and social security systems .

  8. 因此,下一步应加大对贫困人口的社会救助力度,以及建立覆盖面更广的失业、养老和医疗等社会保险体系。

    Therefore , the next step is to enlarge the aid to poor people and set up various social security systems with wider range .

  9. 大量的科学研究数据表明,无论是主动吸烟还是被动吸烟都会导致严重的慢性疾病,使国民体质下降,从而加重医疗、社会保险等资源的负担。

    A large number of scientific research data shows that , both active and passive smoking will lead to serious chronic diseases , which cause physical and mental health deterioration of the nation , and therefore increase the burden of the resources of medical and social insurance .

  10. 另一种是德国和法国的全统全保模式,对所有基本医疗均实行社会保险制度。

    Another is the model of Germany and France , which covers all essential medical .

  11. 但是他也表示,在现行的法律下,老年保健医疗制度和社会保险制度都没有走上可持续道路。

    But he said under current law , neither medicare nor social security is on a sustainable path .

  12. 医疗保险具有社会保险的互济性、社会性等基本特征。充分体现出社会公平原则的指导思想。

    It has the essential features of mutual beneficial and social of social insurance and fully manifests the guiding principle of social justice principle .

  13. 职工供养直系亲属的医疗待遇是社会保险待遇的一个组成部分。

    The medical treatment for that the staff and workers provide and care for their linear relatives is one composition part of the social insurance treatment .

  14. 现在,国会中的某些人已经开始提议防止通过更大幅度的削减教育、职业培训、老年保健医疗体系和社会保险津贴的经费以削减国防经费。

    Now , some in Congress have proposed preventing only the defense cuts by making even bigger cuts to things like education and job training , Medicare and Social Security benefits .

  15. 医疗保险是社会保险制度的重要组成部分,也是整个社会保险体系中最基本的内容,是所有保险制度中覆盖面最宽广,运行最简捷的一种险种。

    The medical insurance is the social insurance system important constituent , also is in the entire social security system the most basic content , is in all issurance system the coverage is broadest , moves the simplest most and direct one kind of danger to plant .

  16. 军队优惠医疗家属参加社会医疗保险可行性研究

    Feasibility of Military Family Dependents Who Enjoying Rebate-medical-support Participating Social Medical insurance System

  17. 医疗保险分为社会保险和商业保险两个方面。

    Cent of medical treatment insurance is sure for the society and commerce is sure two respects .

  18. 商业医疗保险是社会医疗保险的重要补充,其市场潜力巨大。

    As important supplement of the Social Health Insurance , Commercial Health Insurance is of great market potential .

  19. 在城镇强制推行以养老、失业、医疗为重点的社会保险

    " Social welfare insurance , particularly old-age , unemployment and medical insurance , must be made mandatory in urban areas . "

  20. 法庭驳回1996年《婚姻保护法》的关键内容,宣布在同性恋婚姻合法的州,同性恋必须享有和异性夫妻同样的医疗、税收、社会保险以及其他福利。

    But in striking down a key part of the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act ( DOMA ), the court declared that gay couples married in states where it is legal must receive the same federal health , tax , Social Security and other benefits that heterosexual couples receive .

  21. 问题在于,在医疗、医疗援助和社会保险可能遭到削减的今天,美国民众能否坦然接受军队开支的缩减?

    The question is can Americans already faced with possible cuts in Medicare , Medicaid and social security live with less military spending ?

  22. 此外,该指导意见还要求对医疗服务进行改善,并对医疗保险和社会保险制度进行简化。

    It also requires medical services to be improved and medical insurance and social security systems to be streamlined .

  23. 本文试图通过对医疗保险的产生和发展的简单介绍和我国医疗社会保险的缺陷,提出笔者对这一问题的认识和建议。

    This text attempts to propose the author 's understanding of this question and suggestion through the production , the brief introduction of development and defect of medical social insurance of our country .

  24. 第四章建议制定《医疗事故损害赔偿法》,并同时发展医疗责任保险及医疗社会保险,从立法与保险两个方面着手,发展与完善医疗事故损害赔偿制度。

    The fourth part suggests developing and perfecting the systems of damage compensation for medical malpractice in the views of legislation and insurance .

  25. 随着医疗制度的改革与发展,医院业务流程已基本实现信息化,医疗保险和社会保险也正快速的实现着信息化的过程。

    With the reform and development of the health care system , hospital business processes has already embraced the information technology , medical insurance and social insurance are also in rapid processes of informatization .