
  1. 江西省铜鼓县农村纯女户再生育意愿调查与分析

    A Survey on the Fertility Intention of Rural Households with only Daughters in Tonggu County of Jiangxi Province

  2. 我不能再生育小孩,身体也将出现一些变化。

    I will not be able to have any more children , and I expect some physical changes .

  3. 对第一胎病残儿父母再生育二胎时优生措施的探讨

    The Exploration of the Eugenic Measures Taken for the Parents of First Defect Child to Give Birth to the Sec-ond Child

  4. 不过现在的女性都不愿意早早安定下来,想晚一点再生育,这会使年纪较大的女性的生育能力也开始增强。

    But today 's reluctance to settle down and reproduce until later in life could lead to fertility beginning to favour older women .

  5. 计生官员强制实施人口控制,现在却鼓励那些失去孩子的夫妇再生育。

    Family planning officials , who enforce the limits on family size , are encouraging couples who lost their only child to have another .

  6. 职场女性不只需要产假,可能还需要再生育第一个孩子三到五年之后才会重返职场。”

    It is not just about maternity leave - a female employee might only get back to work three to five years after having her first child . "

  7. 因此,笔者建议通过促进农村教养传统科学化、发展农村早期教育、发展组织家长联盟等策略来帮助再生育婴儿家庭教养质量的提高。

    Therefore , I propose to promote traditional rural upbringing scientific and develop the rural early childhood education and so on to help improving the quality of early childhood family education .

  8. 为了减轻成千上万在地震中失去孩子的父母的痛苦,政府政策允许他们再生育,医生将会提供免费的逆转绝育治疗。

    To ease the agony of the thousands who have lost the only children government policy allowed them to bear , doctors are to provide free treatment to reverse sterilisation procedures .

  9. 助产士表示,越来越多的女性初产后留下了严重的心理阴影,她们将再生育计划推迟了好些年,甚至干脆打消了这个念头。

    Midwives say increasing numbers of women are so badly affected by their first experience of birth that they are postponing for years , or abandoning , plans to have any more children .

  10. 虽然我使用了激素代替物,但是我现在还是停经了,不能再生育小孩,身体也将出现变化。

    Regardless of the hormone replacements I 'm taking , I am now in menopause . I will not be able to have any more children , and I expect some physical changes .

  11. 这故事圆满收场:两个年轻人在他们的第一个孩子出生后不久,就结为夫妇,只是当然不可能再生育了。

    The story was rounded off with a happy ending when the two young people were brought together in marriage not long after the birth of their first and , necessarily , only child .

  12. 同时把再生育家庭与非再生育家庭在相关方面进行对比,然后从布朗芬布伦纳人类发展生态学理论的视角,对农村再生育家庭的宏观、中观和微观系统进行分析。

    And I compared the re-birth family with the normal rural family in different ways . From the perspective of ecological psychology of Bronfenbrenner , the re-birth families are analyzed in the macro , meso and micro system dimensions .

  13. 尽管二胎政策因为在再生育权力上迈出了向前的一步而广受好评,但它也使得一些女性陷入困窘,因为她们被家人强迫要二胎。

    Even though the change to a two-child policy received some praise for being a step in improving reproductive rights , it 's also presented a tough situation for some women , as they may be pressured by their families into having a second child against their will .

  14. 当一个渴望拥有家庭的女性看到通往终身教授职位的道路是如此严苛,想到自己成为教授后再生育时年纪已经很大,抚养小孩的时间也很少,于是许多女性就选择了更有弹性的职业。

    A woman who wants a family looks at the rigorous path to a tenured position and considers how old she will be before she can start a family and how little time she will have to raise her children . Many of those women opt for a more flexible career .

  15. 她补充说,专业运动员退役后精子质量会否提升未知之数,但多年的磨损伤害后再修复生育能力是很的。

    She added it was unclear whether sperm quality would improve if men retired from the sport but that after years of wear and tear this was unlikely .

  16. 我们认为,女人怀孕后,激素的改变再加上生育对大脑的超负荷刺激,能帮助女人更好地迎接母亲这个身份带来的转变。

    It is thought the hormonal changes associated with having a baby supercharge the brain , helping to prepare women for the challenges of motherhood ahead .

  17. 而社区承担着社会治安、社会救助、就业再就业、计划生育等100多项管理和服务工作,社区已成为城市社会建设和管理的重要组成部分。

    Community management consists of social security , social relief , employment and reemployment , and birth control therefore it has become an important part of urban construction and management .