
  • 网络representative art;representational art;reproductive art
  1. 按照一般关于书法与绘画关系的论点,书法是抽象的表现艺术,绘画是具象的再现艺术。

    According to general views on their relationship , calligraphy is a kind of abstract expressive art , and painting concrete representative art , however , the same tools marry them .

  2. 杜甫前期诗歌再现艺术研究

    A Study on the " Reappearance " Art of Tu Fu 's Early Poems

  3. 这三个部分统一在一起,成为一个对杜甫前期再现艺术的较为完备的研究。

    The three parts as a whole form a complete study on reappearance 's art of Tu Fu 's early poems .

  4. 用新媒体技术再现艺术设计作品&《艺术设计系学生作品赏析》多媒体展示制作分析

    To Reproduce an Article with New Media Technology Analysis of Multimedia Production of Collections of Articles from students of Art Design Department

  5. 科学的认识和再现艺术对象成为艺术的最基本原则。素描成了绘画基础这对中国画影响非常大。

    The basic principle for art is to recognize and represent the artistic object scientifically and the fact that Sketch has become the foundation of drawing has great impact on Chinese painting .

  6. 诗化的山水精神是我国艺术史上一个独特的文化现象,诗人画家在创造和美化自然景观的同时,用诗画艺术的表现形式再现艺术创作的审美趣味。

    The poetical landscape spirit is an unique cultural phenomenon in Chinese art history , the poetical painter uses the poetical manifestation to reproduce the aesthetic interest in art works , and he creates the aesthetic form of landscape poem on painting under the wide vision of nature .

  7. 其中的一些定义,包括对图画再现和艺术形式的分析。

    Some of these will include analyses of pictorial representation and artistic form .

  8. 严格地说,文学翻译是语言再现的艺术,是审美的翻译。

    Strictly speaking , literary translation is the art of language and the art of reproduction and re-creation .

  9. 许多非真实感绘制技术都以模拟人类艺术创作或艺术工具为手段,试图在计算机中再现人类艺术。

    Most research efforts focused on non-photorealistic rendering ( NPR ), have been put forward to simulate artistic creation or design tools .

  10. 声乐技能是使物质形态和观念上的声乐艺术作品得以再创造、再现其艺术魅力的最基本、最重要的手段。

    The skills are the most elementary and important instrument which re-create the charm of vocal music which existed in the form of substance .

  11. 室内环境艺术是由多种艺术形式组合成的综合体,也就是表现性艺术和再现性艺术的结合。

    The interior art is a synthesis that made up by many kinds of art forms , a combination of behavior art and reproducing art .

  12. 重译《易经》要努力再现原作艺术风格、保留相关文化意象、反映易学研究的最新成果并补充相关内容。

    In retranslating this book , it is necessary to reproduce the artistic style , retain its related cultural imago , reflect the latest research achievements and supplement relative contents .

  13. 从古希腊时期,西方艺术就奠定了写实的再现性艺术理念,并且把它纳入到科学理性的范畴之中,形成了庞大而坚实的体系。

    In ancient Greece , the western art has laid a realistic reproduction art concept , and put it into the scientific and rational category , forming a large and solid system .

  14. 国家主流话语的意识呈现、市场经济与大众消费娱乐心理的满足、经典再现的艺术追求以及民间传统文化的回归等,共同构成了十七年小说影视剧改编的多元价值诉求。

    Consciousness of State main stream speech , market financial condition , mentality of popular consume , seeking of art and returning traditional culture constituted the novel of " seventeen Years " adapted .

  15. 作为语言再现的艺术,文学翻译需用另一种语言(译语)去再现原作的美,这样它便具有审美体验和审美再现的过程。

    As the art of language reproduction , literary translation uses the target language to reproduce the aesthetic components of the original works , so it has the process of aesthetic experience and aesthetic reproduction .

  16. 从某种意义上来说,文学翻译是语言再现的艺术,需用另一种语言(译语)去再现原作的美。

    To some extent , literary translation is an art of language reproduction , applying another language ( target language ) to reproduce the aesthetic components of the original work , including the overt beauty and covert beauty .

  17. 以线造型的独特方式决定了它有别于西方艺术客观再现对象的艺术形式。

    ″ determines its differences form western art in which the subject is depicted as it is .

  18. 用艺术来再现,用艺术来推广,让越来越多的人能够看到,感受到它的文化魅力,并自发地传承下去。

    Caring for art reproduction and art promotion , so that more and more people can see and feel the charm of its culture , and spontaneous handed down .

  19. 随着后印象派、立体主义等新兴艺术流派的出现,再现性的艺术作品失去了市场,从而引发了一场现代艺术的革命。

    With the emergence of Post-impressionism , Cubism and other new art schools , Representationalist artistic works have been out of the market , which triggers a modern art revolution .

  20. 它是一种排除虚构而直接取材于现实的、用画面语言及音响来完成造型、叙事、表现或再现的影视艺术的总称。

    It is a total name of film-television art that directly drawn materials from the reality and excluded fiction , used images and sounds of construction , narrative , performance or reproduction .

  21. 译者需要审慎地对待原文的文化信息,采取适当的策略对文化缺省信息进行文化补偿,从而再现原文的艺术效果和美学价值,促进跨文化交流和异质文化的建构。

    Translators should pay great attention to the cultural information in the original works and adopt proper strategies of cultural compensation and cultural reconstruction for the purpose of representing the artistic effects and aesthetic value .

  22. 中国传统木版年画与西方写实的、再现的油画艺术相比,在造型观念上、艺术技巧等语言样式上都有着很大差别。

    Chinese traditional " MUBAN NIAN HUA ", comparing with western realistic and recurrent art of oil painting , have great different distinction on the concept of mould-making skill of art and other form of language .

  23. 美术史上再现性造型艺术发展的几个高峰期里,对造型和画面结构的情节性匠心经营成为伟大艺术家们共有的成就。

    Reproducibility of the plastic arts in the history of the development of art a few peak periods , the right shape and frame structure of the plot of ingenuity to become great artists operate a total success .

  24. 再现、表现、艺术形式、审美经验和审美属性也是很令人感兴趣的。

    Representation , expression , artistic form , aesthetic experience and aesthetic properties are also of great interest .

  25. 为了传达原作者的思想以及再现人物语言的艺术性,语用学的思想是不可缺少的。

    In order to convey the author 's intention , and grasp the artistry of character utterances , the theory of pragmatics is indispensable .

  26. 道家思想对中国古典园林再现自然山水基本艺术原则的最初确立产生了决定性影响。

    To Chinese classical gardens , Taoism had a decisive influence on the original establishing of its basic art principle to reappear natural scenery .

  27. 中国山水画中的本质精神是什么,其实就是运用笔墨来表现画家对大好河山的再现、空间的艺术。

    The essence of Chinese landscape painting is what is actually used to show for painting painters and beautiful land of representation , space art .

  28. 这样的概念,有一些包括:艺术本身的概念,以及关于再现、表现、艺术形式和审美的概念。

    Some of these concepts include : the very concept of art itself , as well as the concepts of representation , expression , artistic form , and aesthetics .

  29. 概括地说,文学翻译必须依附原作,客观地对待原作,创造性地再现原作中的艺术因素和艺术现实。

    To put it briefly , literary translation must depend on and objectively treat the original . It must creatively reproduce the artistic factors and realities of the original .

  30. 因此,为了进一步揭示两种语言的交际功能,再现其语言修辞艺术性的差异,进行这方面的对比是很有必要的。

    Therefore , in order to reveal the communicative function of the two languages , and show their differences in linguistic and rhetoric art , it is necessary to conduct this research .