
sè cǎi xué
  • chromatics;chromatology
  1. 色彩学将人们通常看到的各种物体的色彩称为物体色。

    Chromatics terms the natural colors of various objects people are used to seeing as " objective colors " .

  2. 课题在色彩学、心理学理论的基础上,通过对大量界面调查与分析,选用白、黑、蓝、绿四种网上常用色彩作背景,并选择与之对应的文字颜色进行实验。

    Analysis and investigate through massive homepage , founded in chromatics and psychology theory , the topic Selects white , black , blue , and green as background . Select correspondence writing color to carries on the experiment .

  3. 第二节对色彩学的基本理论进行了简要阐述。

    The second section talks about the Basic theory of Color science .

  4. 论色彩学的发展对西方绘画艺术的影响

    On Influence of the Color Development upon the Western Arts of Painting

  5. 全球化视角下的中西文化之价值认同从色彩学看中西文化意蕴

    The Evaluating Coincidence of Chinese Culture and Western Culture from the View-point of Globalization

  6. 试论汉代形成的中国五行色彩学体系

    On the System of Color Study of Chinese Five Elements Formed in Han Dynasty

  7. 色彩学对人的基本生理功能;

    Thirdly , basic physiological functions of Chromatology ;

  8. 空间形体原理和写生色彩学原理构成了欧洲写实油画造型体系的核心。

    Color theory and painting space shape constitutes the core principles of the European realist painting style system .

  9. 简要介绍粉末涂料色彩学基础,以及电脑配色和人工配色的方法。

    Chromatics basis of powder coatings , colour matching methods of computer and manually operation were briefly introduced .

  10. 彩色提花作为纺织工艺的一种,是对色彩学、视觉理论、计算机图像处理等技术的综合运用。

    As one kind of textile technologies , color jacquard weave involves chromatology , vision theories and computer image processing .

  11. 电影色彩学是光影和色彩的造型艺术,是研究和探讨电影艺术的重要的领域。

    Movies have studied color is light and color plastic art , is studied and discussed the important areas of cinema .

  12. 全瓷修复体色彩学影响因素不同粘接剂对全瓷修复体颜色影响的实验研究

    Factors on chroma of all ceramic restoration The influence of cements on the colour of two kinds of all - ceramic restoration

  13. 在我国艺术设计专业的教学谱系中,长期缺失环境保护的专门课程,该问题亦反映在我国艺术设计类色彩学专业教材中和色彩教学的实践过程中。

    There is a missing course about environment-protection in the teaching plan of the major in art and design in our country .

  14. 我还将从色彩学角度进行分析凡·高、爱德华·蒙克、莫迪利阿尼三位画家所独有的色彩体系对画面情感的界定。

    I will learn from the perspective of color , according to three artists unique color screen system to define the emotion .

  15. 作者以古代“五色”和现代“三原色”原理的色彩学方法分析蓝印花布的历史成因,认为“靛蓝美感”奠定了蓝印花布审美接受的基础。

    The authors analyze the historical reasons of the indigo-blue printed fabric cloth from the principle of ancient five colors and modern three original colors .

  16. 第一章介绍了印刷色彩学的基本理论。该章叙述了颜色的感觉,属性及混色系统的表示方法。

    In chapter one we introduce the basic theory of printed colors , expounding the feeling , feature of colors and expression ways of mixed color system .

  17. 本文发展了色彩学关于色彩三要素及其关系的基本理论,提出城市色彩的三个要素和五种关系。

    My paper developed the basic theory of the three factors of the color and its relations in chromatology , and advanced the three factors and five relations of the urban color .

  18. 在论文撰写和研究中,作者发现色彩学与心理学是非常深奥与庞大的学科体系,并且在两大学科里的理论知识也是相当丰富。

    In the thesis writing and research , the authors found that color science and psychology is very deep and large subject system , and in two university of theoretical knowledge is quite makes rich .

  19. 本文以中国的青花瓷为研究对象,从东西方语言学、色彩学和东西方艺术三个角度,分析东西方文化交流中青花瓷对西方文化产生的影响。

    This article take the blue and white wares as the subject of study , analyzing the impact that the porcelain has on the western culture in the communication of the oriental and occidental culture .

  20. 对地图资料进行收集和分类,根据色彩学基本理论,对各种地图的用色进行了分析,总结出地图用色的特点和规律,丰富了地图用色理论。

    I collected and sorted the maps . And on the basis of the basic theories about color , I analyzed the colors of the maps and summarized the characteristic and the principle of the maps ' colors .

  21. 研究图形算法构造,加上一些绘画和色彩学等知识,创造出一幅幅奇妙而精美的图形,已成为数字时代应运而生的一门独立的艺术流派&分形艺术。

    The study of graphic algorithm construction , painting , color and so on , and then creating some beautiful graphics , is become a separated art sect which is called fractal art produced with the coming digital era .

  22. 随着奥运会的临近,从色彩学及设计学角度,加强对艺术体操服装的色彩协调美的研究,应成为缩小我国艺术体操与西方国家差距的一项重要工作。

    With the Olympic Game comes , from the angle of color and design , Enhance the study of Art Gymnastics costume 's colourway should be became an important work to contract the distance between our country and the west countries .

  23. 然后我们综合利用色彩学,图像学知识,提出了增进色彩演示效果和自然性的色彩过渡、色彩协调、色彩映射等色彩演示技术,并给出了各项技术的简单有效实现算法。

    Then we synthesize the color knowledge and image-processing knowledge and put forward some color demo technologies such as color transition , color harmonization , color transformation , and etc. In the paper we present the simple and effective algorithm , too .

  24. 通过设计符号学、产品语义学、设计色彩学、伊莱克斯设计案例等理论和实践成功地回答了上述问题,并提出了我国艺术设计教育中存在的问题和解决方案。

    The questions were successfully answered by using the theories and the corresponding practices of the symbols design , products evolvement , color design and electrolux design case , and the problems in art design education of our country and the methods to solve them were proposed .

  25. 城市夜景观规划设计并不是孤立存在的,它需要以城市规划学、心理学、色彩学等理论作为基础,由规划师、建筑师与电气工程师相互合作才能完成的。

    The exist of urban night landscape planning and design is not isolated that it needs to use the study of city planning , psychology and chromatology as a foundation for further progress . It also needs cooperation from planners , architects and electrical engineers to complete .

  26. 简述了织物染色配色技术的基础光学和色彩学原理,介绍了不同的计算机配色的技术和方法,以及本文理论研究所需染料的基础知识和选取标准。

    The second chapter outlines the basic theory of optics and chromatics , which is involved in textile color matching theory . The chapter introduces different technologies and methods of computer color matching , and basic knowledge and the selecting criteria of dye used in the theoretical research .

  27. 色彩工效学及其在工作场所中的应用

    Color Ergonomics and its Application in Workplace

  28. 色彩工效学与美学理论为分析客车色彩设计提供了理论上的依据。

    The color and esthetics theory provide theoretical basis for the analysis of the passenger train color design .

  29. 苦恼的疑问本质上是物质利益问题向马克思早年的仍具浓厚形而上学色彩的法哲学观的挑战。

    Essentially , it was a challenge of problem of material benefit to the metaphysics of rights of early Marx .

  30. 目前在美国最热门的中国文化是道家学说和有着神秘色彩的风水学。

    The latest Chinese cultural icons to make its impact there are Taoism , and ancient school of thought , and fengshui , an ancient art of placement .