
  • 网络colorful language;color language
  1. 论装饰设计艺术的色彩语言

    Discuss the colorful language of decoration designed art

  2. 油画色彩语言研究

    The Colorful Language of Oil Painting Research

  3. 其中,材料语言作为造型语言和色彩语言的载体,是为创作表现服务的。

    Material language services for creative performance two of them .

  4. 高田贤三服饰设计的色彩语言分析

    Analysis of the Color Expression of Dress Adornment Designed by Kenzo Takada

  5. 色彩语言在设计教学中的新应用研究

    The New Application Research of the Color Language in the Design Teaching

  6. 解析平面设计中的色彩语言

    Analysis to the Language of Color in Graphic Design

  7. 对中国工笔画的色彩语言形式的探索

    The Exploration of the Color Language Form of the Chinese Painting with Meticulous Detail

  8. 对主观性色彩语言的研究是油画理论与实践中的重要课题。

    Subjective color is a very important subject of oil painting theory and practice .

  9. 因此,构建色彩语言的教学体系已成为目前美术教学改革中的当务之急。

    Therefore , it is urgent to form a system of the colour language .

  10. 奇妙的中国民间美术色彩语言

    Color Language of Miraculous Chinese Folk Art

  11. 新疆维吾尔语广告的表现形式及色彩语言

    Xinjiang Uygur Advertisement Manifestation and Dissemination Characteristic

  12. 色彩语言的选择方法及其应用

    Selection of Color Language and Its Application

  13. 论室内设计中的色彩语言

    Color Language of Indoor Design

  14. 本文主要是对新卡通一代绘画的色彩语言进行研究与探讨。

    This article is mainly to the new cartoon generation of painting color language study and discussion .

  15. 色彩语言的深层次研究能完善我们的色彩理论并能指导我们的绘画实践。

    The deep research into color language can consummate our color theory and instruct our drawing practice .

  16. 色彩语言是文学创作的一种重要表现形式。

    Colorful language is an important form in literature . Color is thoughts and tool of writers .

  17. 浅析西方油画家色彩语言特征与画家个性的关联

    On the Relevancy of the Color Language and the Painter 's Personality of the Painters in Western Countries

  18. 绘画语言由造型语言、色彩语言、材料语言三个基本元素组成。

    Modeling language , color language , material language , they are the basic elements in painting language .

  19. 后印象主义绘画一些作品中简约的造型语言、色彩语言和技法语言一直影响着我的创作思路。

    Some post-Impressionism works of art in the modeling language and the colorful language has influenced my creative ideas .

  20. 换言之,色彩语言是油画乃至绘画艺术不可或缺的组成部分。

    In other words , the color language is the oil painting and even the drawing art indispensable constituent .

  21. 其实,休闲、优雅、空灵以及趋于淡雅的色彩语言更加接近人性。

    Actually , the leisurely , elegant , graceful and light language of color is closer to man 's nature .

  22. 油画创作是一个复杂的精神生产,包含全方位的艺术规律和形式因素,油画的色彩语言具有系统性,主观色彩是油画创作的一个重要构成。

    Oil painting creation is a complicated spiritual produce , which contain all directions and regulations of art and formal factors .

  23. 他特别善于借助绘画艺术中的色彩语言来进行诗歌创作,给读者以强烈的视觉艺术感受,触发读者丰富的色彩想象。

    In his poems , he is good at employing colors in arts , which gives the readers great vision impact .

  24. 在此基础上,充分运用色彩语言,使色彩化为形象可感、富于情感的实体,实现美的增值。

    On this basis , the much applied colour language can have emotional appreciation for its vivid image and rich expression .

  25. 本文主要通过分析传统绘画中,笔墨这一语言一度成为其代名词,色彩语言却一度遭遇忽视。

    The paper primarily through the analysis of traditional Chinese painting , the works of their language system became synonymous with color once suffered neglect .

  26. 浅析城市道路色彩语言与特色&以上海长宁区新华路道路色彩分析为例

    A Brief Analysis on the Color Language and its Feature of Modern Cities ' Road , Take the " Xinhua " Road in Shanghai for Example

  27. 设计者就要针对消费群特点及认知习惯来设计产品展示媒体的色彩语言、形态语言和方式语言。

    Aiming at consumers ' characteristics and habits , designers create exhibition media telling the color , the shape and the manner languages of the product .

  28. 最显著的特征就是其对油画刀具、材料、色彩语言的深度把握,从而以其让人惊叹的技巧效果演绎出撼动人心的艺术表达。

    The most notable feature is the painting tools , materials , color language to grasp the depth , with its breathtaking skill effect deduce shake art expression .

  29. 后印象派和和野兽派的表现性色彩语言给了我极大的启发,并在自己的创作中将其更好地展现出来。

    The expressive language of color in post-impressionism and fauvism has given the painter great inspiration and it has also been better presented by the painter in the painting .

  30. 装饰性色彩语言从特点上看,它有别于写实性色彩表现,它的表现手法更加的程式化,更有节奏感和韵律性。

    Decorative colour language characteristics from the point of view , it is different from the realistic color performance , its expression more stylized , more rhythm and rhythm .