
  • 网络Veyer;vuillard;Vial
  1. 就在同一间藏室内,还收藏着毕加索早期的水粉画,塞尚强调几何构图、线条硬朗的静物画《静物与灰色的罐子》,以及莫迪利亚尼(Modigliani)、德加(Degas)和维亚尔(Vuillard)的作品。

    The same room includes early Picasso gouaches , Cezanne 's geometric , hard-edge still life " Nature Morte au Pot de Gr è s , " and works by Modigliani , Degas and Vuillard .

  2. 那么维亚尔的绘画中到底存在着哪些象征主义因素呢?

    Then what are the symbolistic factors of Vuillard 's paintings ?

  3. 昨天塞尔日·维亚尔退出该队令法国人又遭遇了一记重击。

    The French were dealt another blow yesterday when Serge Viars withdrew from the squad .

  4. 在北京长江商学院(CheungKongGraduateSchoolofBusiness)授课的经济学家布赖恩•维亚尔(BrianViard)称,优步和Airbnb这类平台依赖于大量的消费者和商家来形成足够大的规模,从而拉低成本。

    Brian Viard , an economist who teaches at the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business in Beijing , says platforms like Uber and Airbnb depend on large numbers of customers and sellers to achieve a critical mass , which drives down costs .

  5. 魔王如果你希望了解更多有关亡魂的情况,维亚尔,那你就继续违抗我的命令吧。

    If you wish to know more of the afterlife , Veyer , just continue to disobey me .

  6. 维亚尔在题材内容和绘画技法的表现上,都充满着装饰趣味与和谐美感。

    Vuillard on performance in the theme contents and painting techniques , are filled with the decorative taste and harmonious beauty .

  7. 阿格雷尔这么说我的宿敌维亚尔想要率军参加这场游戏,对吗?

    Agrael so my old enemy Veyer and his army want to come and play , huh ? So be it !

  8. 对于维亚尔来说照片仅是一种临时的参考或某种情感的反应,他会随心所欲地对主题进行重塑。

    Using his photographs only as an occasional reference point , or to reflect a mood , Vuillard recomposed his subjects at will .

  9. 阿格雷尔必须战胜魔王派来夺取狮鹫之心的恶魔领主维亚尔。

    Agrael must overcome Demon Lord veyer , who has been sent by the Demon Sovereign to seize the heart of the griffin .

  10. 本文首先分析了象征主义运动产生的社会背景及其理论原则,这是判断维亚尔绘画中象征主义因素的标准;

    This thesis firstly introduces the social background of symbolism movement and its theory , which offers a standard to judge the symbolistic factors of Vuillard 's works .

  11. 第三章维亚尔作品的色彩美主要体现在色彩的主观化;色彩的装饰性;带有神秘意味的象征性三个方面。

    The color beauty in Vuillard oil painting is mainly reflected from three facets : the subjective color ; decorative color , with mysterious meanings of the symbolic .

  12. 其次分析了维亚尔在19世纪90年代参与象征主义运动的实践,探讨绘画、诗歌和戏剧之间的相互影响,这是理解维亚尔绘画的象征主义因素的铺垫和前提。

    Next it explores Vuillard 's practice in different areas in 1890s and the interaction of the painting , poetics and theater , which is the precondition for analyzing the symbolistic factors of his paintings .

  13. 女性形象是维米尔和维亚尔传递他们审美思想的一个重要符号,不论是维米尔笔下那质朴、勤劳的劳动妇女,还是维亚尔所钟爱的母亲和姐姐的形象。

    The Female Image of Vermeer and the Vuillard deliver their aesthetic ideas is an important symbol , whether it is described by Vermeer that simple , hard working women , or Vial favorite image of his mother and sister .

  14. 在画面的艺术语言上谈,维米尔是表现当时荷兰中产阶级人民的朴素的写实风格;而维亚尔是运用了一种更加主观的表现手法,画面表现出强烈的装饰性。

    On the screen about the art of language , Vermeer is the performance of middle-class people of the Netherlands was simple realistic style ; and Vuillard is the use of the performance of a more subjective approach , the screen showed a strong decorative .