
  • 网络Whittaker;Vittek;Robert Vittek;Roxane Witke;VITEK
  1. 比利亚、伊瓜因和维特克并列射手榜首位。

    David Villa joined Higuain and Robert Vittek to lead the top-scorer list .

  2. 《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》还需对这一壮举进行确认,但31岁的维特克和30岁的詹斯对此很有信心。

    The Guinness Book of World Records still must confirm the feat , one that Whittaker , 31 , and Jens , 30 , felt pretty confident they had achieved .

  3. 这两个业务部涵盖了圣戈班维特克斯品牌下的上游产品玻璃纤维,以及圣戈班技术材料品牌下的下游产品纺织纱。

    These two divisions cover the upstream glass strand production business under the Saint-Gobain Vetrotex banner , and the downstream business of textile processing under the Saint-Gobain technical fabrics banner .

  4. 维特克说:“我找了一些最容易破的纪录,我不可能打破100米短跑的纪录,不过我想这个应该没问题。”

    " I looked up what some of the weakest records were ," Whittaker said . " I 'm not going to break the100-meter dash record , but I thought I could break this record . "