
  • 网络grafite
  1. 但对沃尔夫斯堡的强力前锋哲科和格拉菲特至少是个很好的操练。

    But against Wolfsburg 's powerful forwards Edin Dzeko and Grafite , at least he got some good practice .

  2. 他们已经取得了一些大的收购,不过,在巴西双雄阿韦利诺科埃略和前锋格拉菲特,随着智利国际路易斯-希门尼斯。

    They have already made some big acquisitions , though , in Brazilian duo Avelino Coelho and striker Grafite , along with Chilean international Luis Jimenez .

  3. 在沃尔夫斯堡他有机会和哲科以及格拉菲特共事,他们的火力帮助沃尔夫斯堡赢得了2009年的冠军。

    At Wolfsburg he will have the chance to work with the likes of Grafite and Edin Dzeko , whose goals took the Wolves to the2009 title .