
  • 网络gregory;gregorian;grigori
  1. 1953年,浪漫喜剧片《罗马假日》(RomanHoliday)中,格里高利派克(GregoryPeck)一举成名,确立了自己电影史上最会穿衣演员的地位。

    In the 1953 romantic comedy Roman Holiday , Gregory Peck established himself as one of the better dressed men in film history .

  2. 因此,美国加州大学戴维斯分校(UniversityofCalifornia,Davis)经济历史学家格里高利•克拉克(GregoryClark)最近尝试运用另一种创新方法,把社会学、经济学和历史学结合在一起。

    So Gregory Clark , an economic historian at the University of California , Davis , has recently attempted to use another innovative approach that blends sociology , economics and history .

  3. 计算这些gi的步骤叫做哈特力自洽场法。格里高利历法(公历)与自然力量并不融洽。

    The procedure for calculating the gi 's is called the Hartree self-consistent-field method . The Gregorian calendar is not in harmony with the forces of nature .

  4. 我曾有一次在街上偶遇这部电影的男主角,已故影星格里高利派克(GregoryPeck),即便是这都让我激动得说不出话来。

    I once ran into the film 's leading man , the late Gregory Peck , on the street , and even that choked me up .

  5. 墙壁上悬挂的照片告诉人们,60年来,富丽接待的贵宾包括圣雄甘地(MahatmaGandhi)、尼赫鲁(Nehru)、劳伦斯·奥利维尔爵士(SirLaurenceOlivier)、格里高利·派克(GregoryPeck)和费雯丽(VivienLeigh)。

    As the photographs on the walls attested , the Folly 's 60-year-old guest dossier includes Mahatma Gandhi , Nehru , Sir Laurence Olivier , Gregory Peck and Vivien Leigh .

  6. 埃默里大学的格里高利·伯恩斯(GregoryBerns)说:我们原以为这种反应是适用于狗之间的。目前看来这种‘奖励反应’只适用于狗的主人。

    Gregory Berns , of Emory University in Atlanta , said : ' While we might expect that dogs should be highly tuned to the smell of other dogs , it seems that the reward response is reserved for their humans .

  7. 埃默里大学的格里高利·伯恩斯(GregoryBerns)说:“我们原以为这种反应是适用于狗之间的。目前看来这种‘奖励反应’只适用于狗的主人。”

    Gregory Berns , of Emory University in Atlanta , said : ' While we might expect that dogs should be highly tuned to the smell of other dogs , it seems that the " reward response " is reserved for their humans .

  8. 第二章讲述了格里高利圣咏的音乐特征。

    Chapter Two tells of the music characteristics of Gregorian Chant .

  9. 第三章介绍了格里高利圣咏的历史价值。

    Chapter Three introduces the historic value of Gregorian Chant .

  10. 三月格里高利历中一年里的第三个月

    The third month of the year in the Gregorian calendar

  11. 这个年名的问题在格里高利体系(历体系)得迂回曲折。

    This bypassed the problem of year names in the Gregorian system .

  12. 是,很有格里高利•克鲁德逊风格。

    Yea , yea , very Gregory Crewdson style .

  13. 第一章介绍格里高利圣咏产生的背景因素。

    Chapter One mentions the background elements of the creation of Gregorian Chant .

  14. 我的朋友格里高利认识那个发明者的侄子的朋友。

    My friend Gregory knows a friend of the nephew of the inventor .

  15. 除此之外,还有“格里高利-马克苏托夫-卡塞格林焦点”这样的一长串。

    Besides ," gregory-maksutov-cassegrain focus ", and the like , is a mouthful .

  16. 格里高利历法(公历)与自然力量并不融洽。

    The Gregorian calendar is not in harmony with the forces of nature .

  17. 格里高利。潘捷列伊维奇,别骑这么快,你会把马累死的!

    Grigory panteleyevich , not so fast , you 'll kill the horse !

  18. 哎哟,格里高利潘捷列伊维奇,你对我这个可怜的寡妇也太冷淡了。

    Oh , Grigory panteleyevich , you 're so stern with me , poor widow .

  19. 为了把格里高利给她叫出去。

    For sending Grigory out to her .

  20. 哦,在您准备对格里高利夫妇的投资做法嗤之以鼻前,不妨问问自己下面这些问题。

    Well , before you dismiss the Gregorys as fools , ask yourself these questions .

  21. 叶卡捷琳娜女皇与格里高利-波将军

    Catherine the Great & Grigory Potemkin

  22. 以格里高利圣咏为代表的早期基督教音乐,从某种意义上来讲,是西方音乐的重要源头。

    Represented by Gregorian Chant , it is a significant source of Western music in a sense .

  23. 本文主要以格里高利圣咏的产生、特征和历史价值为主线,对格里高利圣咏进行了深入细致的研究。

    This thesis lucubrates Gregorian Chant by the main line of its origin , characteristics and historic value .

  24. 他常年担任安条克主教格里高利的助手,并曾经被拜占廷皇帝授予过前任执政官等荣誉头衔。

    He was the private assistant of Gregory , the patriarch of Antioch and even won the honorary title of ex-consulate .

  25. 于是,在1500年后,一种新的纪年方法,即现在使用的由罗马教皇格里高利十三世完善修订的格里历。

    More than 1500 years later , a new formula was introduced with the Gregorian Calendar , which we still use today .

  26. 本文就偏置卡塞格伦和格里高利两种典型的双反射面天线展开讨论。

    Two kinds of offset dual-reflector antennas , classical offset Cassegrain and Gregorian dual-reflector antenna , are mainly discussed in the thesis .

  27. 到了1562年,教皇格里高利颁布了基督教新历,按照新历,新年这一天改到了1月1号。

    Then in 1562 , Pope Gregory introduced a new calendar for the Christian world , and the new year fell on January first .

  28. 格里高利•佩雷尔曼的困境源自发生在2003年他和俄罗斯闻名的斯特克罗夫数学研究所的不欢而散。

    Grigory " Grisha " Perelman 's predicament stems from an acrimonious split with a leading Russian mathematical institute , the Steklov , in2003 .

  29. 他被册封了他的朋友格里高利在1228年九,他的尸体很快被转移到新建成的教堂同时他的名字。

    He was canonized by his friend Gregory IX in1228 , and his body was soon moved to the newly constructed basilica bearing his name .

  30. 格里高利·豪斯(好别扭,差点写成格里高利·派克),顶尖的诊断医生,精神病院的病人,今年秋天就要带着一个被剃过的头和满腹阴暗评论回来了。

    Doctor Gregory House , top diagnostician and now , a committed asylum patient returns this fall with a shaved head and no shortage of snarky comments .