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  1. 另外一处“哇”:亚马逊电子书的销量已经超过了纸质出版物。

    Another " wow " : e-books have already surpassed printed books in terms of volume at Amazon .

  2. 它们的新闻团队和纸质出版物,一直是纸媒及在线原创新闻报道的主要来源,而今两者的规模都在缩减。

    Their news staffs and printed editions , which have been the chief source of original news reporting in print and online are shrinking .

  3. 随着能使人们阅读很久眼睛也不会感觉疲劳的第一代电子书的面世,纸质出版物正面临着前所未有的威胁。

    The printed page is facing its biggest threat with the launch of the first electronic book that people can read for hours without straining their eyes .

  4. 电子出版物与纸质出版物都是大众传播媒体,各有特点,两者互感,优势互补,共同发展,以促使出版产业成为知识经济的支柱产业。

    Electronic and paper publications are both mass communication media with their own characteristics , and their mutual inductance , complement and development can make publication industry the pillar industry of knowledge economy .

  5. 本文针对纸质出版物版权认证和保护的需求,对半色调数字水印算法及其在实际应用过程中抵抗硬拷贝攻击的技术进行了研究,提出了行之有效的抵抗硬拷贝攻击的数字水印算法。

    Along with the need of copyright protection and certification for printed paper publications , in this paper halftone watermarking algorithms and the techniques to resist hard-copy attack in the practical application have been studied .

  6. 传统的纸质印刷出版物受到了电子出版物的强有力挑战,受众(读者)的阅读心理和习惯受到前所未有的冲击。

    ( Traditional ) publications are challenged by electronic publications and the reading psychology and habits of readers are unprecedentedly impacted .

  7. 传统的纸质印刷出版物在数字时代发生了重大变化,电子出版物、网络出版物相继问世,期刊编辑出版的工作流程完全可以依赖于计算机和网络技术实现数字化出版。

    With the appearance of electron and network publication , great changes have taken place to the traditional paper publication in the digital time . Periodical editing and publishing work flow can completely depend on computers and network technology to get digital publication .

  8. 纸质纤维板含水率的控制电子出版物与纸质出版物之比较

    Control of Moisture Content in Papery Fiberboard Comparision between Papery Publication and Electronic Publication