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  • 网络bill;note;banknote
  1. 有个伪造者非常自负,竟把自己的照片印在10美元的纸钞上。

    The counterfeiter was so conceited that he put his own picture on the ten-dollar bill .

  2. 请把这张纸钞换成铜板给我打电话好吗?

    Could you change this bill into coins so that I can make a phone call ?

  3. 因为设计者们犯了一个错误,致使价值2,500万英镑的5英镑纸钞被化成纸浆。

    25 million pounds worth of five pound notes have been pulped because the designers made a mistake .

  4. 请找我纸钞。

    Give me the change in notes .

  5. 纸钞上的面孔自1929年以来不曾有过改变。当年安德鲁8231;杰克逊(AndrewJackson)的脸孔代替了格罗弗8231;克利夫兰(GroverCleveland)印上20美元钞票。

    Faces on bills have not changed since 1929 , when Andrew Jackson replaced Grover Cleveland on the $ 20 note .

  6. 英国央行(BoE)宣布,将发行易擦洗的塑料钞票。这意味着不久后,在英国街角商店和酒吧易手的皱巴巴的5英镑和10英镑纸钞将成为历史。

    The crumpled fivers and tenners that change hands in corner shops and pubs across Britain are set to be consigned to history after the Bank of England announced the introduction of wipe-clean plastic notes .

  7. 德拉·卡萨表示,这些纸钞碎片的来源尚不清楚。

    Della Casa said the origins of the cash were unknown .

  8. 英镑纸钞的汇率是多少?

    What is the exchange rate for British pound notes ?

  9. 1863年起,联邦储备银行用美元取代了银行纸钞。

    Starting in 1863 , the feds replaced private banknotes with greenbacks .

  10. 那么,怎样在考试中使用这张小纸钞呢?

    And some how get access to it , during the test .

  11. 让我把这张美元的纸钞换成硬币。

    Let me change the dollar bill for coins .

  12. 我妹妹搜集外国硬币和纸钞。

    My sister collects foreign coins and bills .

  13. 港币的设计充满了未来派的特色。新版10元港币是紫色配蓝色,面积较旧版10元纸钞要小,加入了新的防伪措施。

    The design of the Hong Kong banknote is featured with sense of future .

  14. 钱德从我皮包偷了20元纸钞

    Chandler stole a 20 from my purse !

  15. 常见美元纸钞的防伪特征

    The Familiar US Dollar 's Characteristics against Counterfeit

  16. 他用纸钞来生火取暖。

    He burnt the cash to stay warm .

  17. 美国的硬币和纸钞是专门用以把外国人搞糊涂的。

    American coins and bills have been specifically designed to confuse natives of other nations .

  18. 你可以烧了那张一百元纸钞,但我认为这样很蠢。

    You can burn that $ 100 note , but I think you 're being barmy .

  19. 美国财政部计画在今年秋季推出具有细致背景色彩的新版20元纸钞。

    This autumn the Treasury plans to introduce a new $ 20 that has a subtle background color .

  20. 她对看门的人亮出一张五美元的纸钞,他就让她进去了。

    She flashed a $ 5 note at the man by the door and he let her in .

  21. 后来就有了我们现在使用的纸钞、硬币,还有塑料钞票。

    And then there is money as we know it today in notes and coi - plastic notes .

  22. 西班牙剧集《纸钞屋》今年4月在网飞平台放送了第四部分。

    Spanish show La Casa de Papel aka Money Heist dropped its Part 4 in April on Netflix .

  23. 「果我们在纸钞快发行时,才收到验钞机的更新通知,」尔弗说:「可就有一场硬仗要打了。

    If we 're given short notice to update the validators , Silver says it 'll be a war out there .

  24. 现金包括但不仅仅限于纸钞、硬币、银行存款、银行汇票和旅行支票。

    Cash shall include but not be limited to banknote , coin , bank deposit , bank draft and traveler 's check .

  25. 华盛顿&愈来愈多美国人不再使用现金,但将女性放上纸钞的呼声仍然不绝于耳。

    WASHINGTON & Growing numbers of Americans are going cashless , but demands to finally put a woman on paper currency persist .

  26. 美国的纸钞呈绿色,大小和样式都是统一的,上面绘有一位已故总统的肖像。

    American folding money is green , of uniform size and design , with a picture of a dead President on it .

  27. 那天下午晚些时候,这位广告员回到了这个身旁,他发现帽子里几乎装满了纸钞和硬币。

    Later that afternoon the creative publicist returned by the blind man and noticed that his hat was almost completely full of bills and coins .

  28. 我们都知道纸钞脏得可怕,而这种新钞票将有防水、防油、防汗渍、防尘的效果。

    We all know how dirty money can be but the new bills are resistant to water , oil , sweat , dust and more .

  29. 目前使用的纸钞用棉纤维和亚麻纤维制成,比普通的木浆纸更坚韧耐用。

    The paper tender in current use is made from cotton fibre and linen rag , which is tougher and more durable than the more common wood pulp paper .

  30. 今天,我们想到钱时,要么把它们想象为圆型金属片的硬币,要么把它们想象为印刷的纸钞。

    When we think of money today , we picture it either as round , flat piece of metal which we call coins , or as printed paper notes .