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yín piào
  • Silver note;silver draft
银票 [yín piào]
  • [note] 旧时印有银两数额代替银两的纸币

  • 竟有交了白卷,拿银票夹在卷里,希翼学台取进他的呢。--《二十年目睹之怪现状》

  1. 所有人都很有钱,铜板很少出现,一张一张的银票比草纸还便宜。

    Everyone is rich , copper coins is seldom seen , but bank notes are cheaper than paper .

  2. 代表法团从任何来源收取的所有款项,须在方便的情况下尽快存入上述账户内,而所有从该账户开出的银票均须由司库签署。

    All receipts on behalf of the corporation from whatever source shall be paid in to the credit of such account as soon as conveniently may be , and all drafts on the account shall be signed by the treasurer .