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yáng qián
  • silver dollar
洋钱 [yáng qián]
  • [silver dollar] [口]∶银洋,银元

洋钱[yáng qián]
  1. 她一元一元地数她的洋钱。

    She counts her dollars one by one .

  2. 老栓慌忙摸出洋钱,抖抖的想交给他,却又不敢去接他的东西。

    Hua hurriedly took out his money and wanted to give the man , but he dare not receive the bun .

  3. 老栓还踌躇着;黑的人便抢过灯笼,一把扯下纸罩,裹了馒头,塞与老栓;一手抓过洋钱,捏一捏,转身去了。

    Hua was still hesitating , while the man took his lantern and torn down the paper to wrap the bun for him .

  4. 在清王朝实行闭关政策时期,中外贸易仍有较高速发展,洋钱在中国日益广泛流通。

    During the time when the closed-door policy was adopted by Qing Dynasty , trade with foreign countries still developed rapidly and foreign currency widely circulated in China with each passing day .