
  • 网络Yankee Stadium
  1. 洋基体育场则见证了另一则启示

    Yankee Stadium is a natural venue for another lesson :

  2. 罗马天主教皇本笃在拥有5万7千个观众席的洋基体育场主持了一场洋溢着兴奋之情的弥撒,以此结束了对美国的六天访问。

    Pope Benedict XVI ended his six-day visit to the United States with a jubilant mass at the57,000-seat Yankee Stadium .

  3. 教皇在抵达洋基体育场的时候,乘坐教皇专车在挤得密不透风的体育场里绕场一周。

    On his arrival , the pontiff circled the packed stadium in his popemobile .

  4. 这次弥撒是第三次,也是最后一次由一位教皇在传奇的洋基体育场主持宗教仪式。

    The mass marked the third - and last - time that a Pope has led religious services at the legendary Yankee Stadium .

  5. 迫于经济状况,爱迪生波兰水泥公司被迫签订为洋基体育场提供建筑材料的合同,并于1923年完工。

    Struggling financially , the Edison Portland Cement Company was awarded the contract for materials to be used in the construction of the original Yankee Stadium , which was completed in 1923 .

  6. 花了55块钱做了40分钟的出租车后,我们来到了洋基队体育场。

    Forty minutes and a $ 55 cab ride later , we found ourselves at Yankee Stadium .