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huì huà
  • giro;transfer/clear money
汇划 [huì huà]
  • [remittance] 即以汇兑方法划付款项

  1. 这支票在银行间汇划结算以后才能兑现。

    You can 't cash this check until it 's cleared .

  2. 文章考察了民初汇划制度的一般情况及币制问题与钱庄的关系,分析了民初币制银两公率增加的原因和影响。

    It also analyzes the reason and effect of the addition to the currency system of the tael metric rate .

  3. 最后结合所得商业银行业务流程再造理论对工商银行综合业务系统中的资金汇划业务进行案例分析。

    In the end , combined with the business re-engineering theories , a case study of colligate operation system in ICBC is introduced .

  4. 通过个人结算账户的汇划业务,按个人汇款标准收费,1%,最高50元。

    Carry account of individual settle accounts collect delimit business , press individual remittance standard to collect fees , 1 % , highest 50 yuan .

  5. 清算银行由于有国际汇划能力,可以通过提供服务的方法,从海外国家赚取资金,以改善一国收支状况。

    Because of their ability to effect international transfers , clearing banks make money from overseas countries by providing a service , and in this way directly improve the balance of payments position of country .

  6. 新系统的上线提供了快速、高效、安全的资金汇划和清算渠道,促进了网上银行、电子商务发展。但新系统的运行也带来了会计制度、会计核算、系统运行和会计监督风险。

    The new system provide a quick , safe way , promote the development of Internet bank , and electric business , but the motion of new system takes some risks , in order to against risks , should perfect system .