
  • 网络Ningbo Group
  1. 近代宁波帮实业家李善祥的传奇人生

    A modern ningbo group enterpriser Li Shan-xiang 's life of legend

  2. 宁波帮精神与企业家成长

    The spirit of Ningbo Group and the grow-up of entrepreneur

  3. 这也是宁波帮经久不衰生生不息的基本原因所在。

    It is also enduring the endless help Ningbo basic reason .

  4. 宁波帮商业精神文化的若干分析

    An analysis of the commercial spirit and culture of the Ningbo businessmen

  5. 宁波帮经营理念研究。

    Study of the management theory in Ningbo Pang ii .

  6. 宁波帮在中国文化领域中的身份与境界

    The Identities of Ningbo Gang in Chinese Culture

  7. 论宁波帮的创新精神

    On the innovating spirit of the Ningbo group

  8. 宁波帮精神与品牌战略

    The sprit of Ningbo gang and brand strategy

  9. 北京宁波帮的出现已有六百年的历史。

    The emerge of Ningbo gang in Beijing has a history of six hundred years .

  10. 论宁波帮精神对学生创业教育的影响作用

    The Effect of " the Ningbo Group " Spirit on the Students ' Enterprise Startup Education

  11. 宁波帮与中国的职业技术教育

    Ningbo group and Chinese vocational education

  12. 作为“宁波帮”中坚的近代镇海籍实业家,在艰苦的创业中积累了丰富的经营管理经验。

    Zhenghai businessmen , backbone of Ningbo Confraternity , have accumulated rich experience of management in their business establishment .

  13. 正是在这种精神的支撑下,宁波帮企业家们开创了自己的品牌经营之道。

    Just sustained with this core spirit , the enterpris-ers from Ningbo Gang exploited their own managements toward famous brand .

  14. 相比较于其他商帮,宁波帮具有鲜明的个性、独特的优势和共同的价值取向。

    Compared with the overseas merchants of other origins , overseas Ningbo merchants have their distinctive characteristics , privileges and values .

  15. 可以说过帐制度为近代宁波帮的强大凝聚力与团结力提供了制度性的支持。

    Can be said that modern Ningbo account system as a strong cohesion and unity to help provide the institutional strength of support .

  16. 80年来宁波帮研究经过4个阶段。20世纪20年代中期至1949年是第一阶段,宁波帮研究资料少,比较零星分散。

    The recent 80 years ' study on the Ningbo Group can be divided into four stages : the first one is 1920s ~ 1949 ;

  17. 宁波帮是20世纪初上海工商界举足轻重的商人群体。

    The Businessman Group of Ningbo is a prominent businessman community of the industrial and commercial circles of Shanghai in the beginning of 20th century .

  18. 宁波帮独有的自主进取、务实功利的文化价值取向,使宁波帮得以历久不衰,不断发展。宁波帮的文化价值取向带有浓郁的地域特色:浙东学术文化孕育了宁波帮文化价值取向;

    Ningbo Bang has ever lasting vitality : to strive independently and be practical and utilitarian , with strong regional characteristics of its cultural value orientations .

  19. 文章从商业精神文化层面对此原因进行了分析,初步揭示了宁波帮生生不息、经久不变的文化之源。

    The article analyses the causes of this rare phenomenon from the perspective of its commercial spirit and culture and thus reveals the sources of the ever lasting vitality of them .

  20. 过帐制度为宁波帮的崛起,提供了强有力的制度保障,同时过帐制度使宁波钱庄占据钱业制高点,为号令全国工商业提供了制度保证。

    Posting system as the rise of Ningbo to help provide a strong system of protection , while posting system allows Ningbo banking house occupied money Industry , high ground , for orders of Industry and Commerce to provide a guarantee .

  21. 浅论宁波商帮文化之特征

    On the Cultural Characteristics of Ningbo Merchants ' Gang

  22. 宁波商帮是近代中国著名商帮,百年经久不衰;

    Ningbo business group is famous in China .

  23. 宁波商帮的海洋文化情结

    Ningbo Business Group Under the Ocean Culture

  24. 关于宁波本帮裁缝向红帮裁缝转型的行业基础的研究

    Study on the Professional Foundation of the Transition from Native Ningbo Tailors to Hong Bang Tailors

  25. 本文依据翔实可靠的资料,对明清以来宁波商帮的发展、演变作了比较系统、全面的探讨。

    In this dissertation , a systematic and comprehensive study is made into the development of the merchant group of Ningbo since Ming Dynasty .

  26. 明清浙东学术与宁波商帮之间,实有相辅相成的内在渊源。

    The East Zhejiang School of Thought and Ningbo 's Commerce in the Ming and Qing Dynasties shared the similar sources and were inseparably interconnected .

  27. 宁波商帮在近现代中国的历史地位,是与生产力的发展和前进方向紧密联系在一起的。

    The status of Ningbo Commercial Group in the modern time of China , has a very close relationship with the devel-opment and progress of productivity .

  28. 本文论述传统思想文化在宁波商帮成功过程中的作用,展示优秀传统文化在近代经济活动中的独特价值。

    This article discusses the influence of traditional culture on the formation of Ningbo commercial group and displays the unique value of traditional culture in modern economic activities .

  29. 并通过与徽商、宁波商帮的分析比较,进一步得出晋商成功与失败的外在原因和内在必然性。

    Additionally we make a further analysis by comparing Jin Businessmen with Hui Businessmen and Ningbo Businessmen Group which flows to a final conclusion on the real reasons externally and internally .

  30. 同时,宁波本地钱庄业在发展过程中产生的过账制度,对近代宁波帮向外发展有重要的推动作用。

    The posting system , developed in the process of the development of the money shops played an important role in the business of Ningbo Merchants in Modern China .