
  • 网络north city;North Market;Beijing Municipality
  1. 这是古晋北市市政局的大厦。

    This is Kuching North City Hall building .

  2. 总结了北市外国人的发展历程、基本状况、基本需求和在北京生活面临的一些问题。

    Summarizes the development course of foreigners , the basic situation and basic requirements and living in Beijing faced some problems .

  3. 但长期而言,会因为住宅总供给量增加,使北市房价朝向较合理方向发展。

    But in the long-term it will increase the overall supply of housing , which should move prices to more reasonable levels .

  4. AtsuoTakanashi教授是研究负责人,日本南部北九州市机器人生产商Tmsuk公司也参与了研制。

    They were led by Professor Atsuo Takanashi , and worked with robot manufacturer Tmsuk , based in Kitakyushu , southern Japan .

  5. 中日城市人口结构的对比分析&以中国大连市与日本北九州市为例

    The comparative study on the structure of the urban population between China and Japan

  6. 他还有另一个位于北迈阿密市的公寓,离海滩约3英里。

    Another of his listings is in North Miami , about three miles from the beach .

  7. 闽东北五市旅游合作研究

    On Tourism Cooperation of the Five Cities in the East and North of Fujian Prov in ce

  8. 北哥伦布市的人能和这么牛的人约会感觉一定很奇怪吧

    It must be strange coming from North Columbus and now to dating someone so well off .

  9. 本文对日本福冈县北九州市宗玄寺遗址出土的颅骨进行了人种学研究。

    The human skulls studied in this article are from the ancient tombs in Shugenji site of Kitakyusyu City in Japan .

  10. 华为(Huawei)总部坐落在香港以北的深圳市,整个园区占地两平方英里。这里的氛围有点硅谷的感觉,但更像是一家国有企业。

    The vibe on the Huawei campus , spread out across two square miles in the city of Shenzhen , north of Hong Kong , is more state-owned enterprise than Silicon Valley .

  11. 北是广州市荔湾区、海珠区、黄埔区;

    North is in Liwan District of Guangzhou City , Haizhu District , Huangpu ;

  12. 阿根廷北部一城市,位于圣米格尔-德图库曼以北。该市为制造业和贸易中心。人口124950。

    A city of northern Argentina north of San Miguel de Tecum á n.It is a manufacturing and trade center . Population , 124,950 .

  13. 来自北卡罗来纳州夏洛特市(Charlotte)的尼古拉·克洛斯(NicoleGross)挣扎着要站起来,她的衬衫破烂不堪,腿受重伤,身旁一滩鲜血。

    Nicole Gross from Charlotte , North Carolina , struggled to get up , her shirt in tatters , her leg severely injured .

  14. 阿帕拉契州立大学(AppalachianStateUniversity,位于北卡罗来纳州布恩市)心理咨询与服务中心的主任丹·琼斯(DanJones)说,焦虑已成为当代大学生的典型标志。

    Anxiety has become emblematic of the current generation of college students , said Dan Jones , the director of counseling and psychological services at Appalachian State University in Boone , N.C.

  15. 在北卡罗来纳州夏洛特市(Charlotte),其人口密度大约只有曼哈顿的15%,只有5%的当地人乘坐公共交通工具。

    In Charlotte , N.C. , where population density is about 15 % of Manhattan 's , just 5 % of the locals take public transportation .

  16. 在迈克尔·乔丹(MichaelJordan)之前,世界上最为著名的篮球运动员之一也是一位来自北卡罗来纳州威尔明顿市的本地人:梅多拉克·莱蒙(MeadowlarkLemon)。

    Before Michael Jordan , one of the world 's most famous basketball players was another native of the North Carolina city of Wilmington : Meadowlark Lemon .

  17. 尤其是对我们北卡罗来纳州Hendersonville市的阿普瓦里中学的Facebook粉丝们,我们喜欢看到你们在Facebook.com/CNNStudentNews网页留言说“喜欢”。

    Especially to our Facebook fans at Apple Valley Middle School in Hendersonville , North Carolina . We love your " likes " at Facebook.com/CNNStudentNews ! I 'm Carl Azuz . Welcome .

  18. 2005年,戴维·格林(DavidGreene)辞去北卡罗莱纳州卡里市商业分析软件公司SAS的客户经理职务,在一位朋友与人共同成立的一家数字成像公司当上了副总裁,希望在这家初创公司将自己的摄影技能派上用场。

    David Greene quit his job as an account executive at SAS , a Cary , N.C. , maker of business-analytics software , in 2005 to become vice president of a digital-imaging startup co-founded by a friend , where he hoped to use his skills as a photographer .

  19. 今年年初,北卡罗来纳州达克市(Duck)的SanderlingResort&Spa水疗度假村推出了“永恒回忆”服务,包括一张全家福和一部YouTube视频(一周内可拿到影像光碟)。

    Earlier this year , the Sanderling Resort & Spa in Duck , N.C. , launched an ' Everlasting Memories ' package with a family photo shoot and a YouTube video of the session ( a disc of images is guaranteed within a week ) .

  20. 南水北调与青岛市城市水资源合理配置研究

    Rational Distribution of Urban Water Resources of Qingdao and South-to-North Water Transfer

  21. 南水北调后郑州市水资源利用问题及对策

    Utilization Matter of Water Resource in Zhengzhou City after the South-to-North Water Transfer

  22. 平贺柳泽在位于东京以北的松本市经营一家专售这种直升机的公司。

    Yanagisawa runs a company in Matsumoto , north of Tokyo , selling the helicopter .

  23. 图为联想集团位于美国北卡罗莱纳州罗利市的研发中心。

    The picture shows Lenovo Group 's R & D center located in Raleigh , North Carolina , U.S.A.

  24. 直到最近他一直都在两个地方生活:保守的北卡罗来纳州夏洛特市和开放的华盛顿特区。

    Until recently he split his time between conservative Charlotte , North Carolina , and liberal Washington , DC .

  25. 该公司表示,巴尔的摩、圣路易斯、匹兹堡、得克萨斯州奥斯汀市以及北卡罗来纳州夏洛特市的餐厅均因此次泄漏事件受到了影响。

    The company says the breach affected restaurants in Baltimore , St. Louis , Pittsburgh , Austin Texas , and Charlotte North Carolina .

  26. 在北卡罗来纳州夏洛特市的时候,斯福德还是一个年轻小球童,工作之余他在绿茵茵的球场上苦练球技。

    Sifford honed his golfing skills as a young caddy in Charlotte , North Carolina , where he practiced on the green after work .

  27. 昨天在墨西哥举行的利昂国际气球节上,来自北卡罗来纳州罗利市的特拉普走进了这个卡通主题的小屋,然后由气球带入空中。

    Trappe , from Raleigh , North Carolina , stepped into the cartoon themed home before soaring above the Leon International Balloon festival in Mexico yesterday .

  28. 因此,在琼斯教授2003年回到位于北卡罗来纳州罗列市的本科母校时,他带来了让人耳目一新的国际商业观。

    Returning to his undergraduate alma mater in Raleigh , North Carolina , in 2003 therefore , Prof Jones brought with him a refreshing international business outlook .

  29. 居住在位于大溪城以北罗克福德市的认为他们家是虔诚的罗马天主教徒,他们并不赞成使用避孕措施。

    The Schwandts , who live Rockford , which is north of Grand Rapids , consider themselves devout Roman Catholics and don 't believe in using birthcontrol .

  30. 这家商业分析软件与服务公司位于北卡罗来纳州卡里市,该公司在内部设立了工作-生活平衡中心,为员工提供从育婴到压力管理等各方面的课程。

    The business analytics software and services company headquartered in Carey , NC , boosts an on-site work-life center featuring programs on everything from parenting to stress management .