
  • 网络Beijing temple fair
  1. 从娱神到娱人&北京节令庙会与说唱艺术关系研究

    From " Amusing God " to " Amusing Human Being ": the Relationship Between Seasonal Temple Fair and Arts of Talking and Singing in Beijing

  2. 作为元朝、明朝和清朝的前首都,北京的庙会拥有延续了上百年的宗教传统和公众活动。

    Beijing - Temple Fairs As the former capital of the Yuan , Ming and Qing empires , Beijing 's temples have hundreds of years of religious traditions and public entertainment .

  3. 无论是在北京游览庙会,在香港观赏烟花,还是在伦敦参加庆典巡游,亲人和社区都将欢聚一堂,期待新的一年——鸡年的到来。

    From the fairs in Beijing , to the fireworks in Hong Kong and the parades here in London , families and communities will come together and look to the year ahead - the Year of the Rooster .

  4. 我的家人和我将访问北京的著名庙会,品蜜饯山楂,并享受烟花。

    My family and I will be visiting Beijing 's famous temple fairs , eating candy hawthorn and enjoying the fireworks .

  5. 从北京传统节日和庙会看佛教对民俗文化的影响

    Buddhism : Its Influence on Beijing Folk Holidays and Temple Fairs

  6. 许多北京市民都参加庙会,以迎接马年来临。

    Many in Beijing have been visiting temple fairs to celebrate the arrival of the Year of the Horse .

  7. 中国农历新年假期期间,北京通常会举办庙会、冬季运动项目和展览等活动。

    Events and activities usually held in Beijing during the Chinese Lunar New Year holiday include temple fairs , winter sports and exhibitions .