
  • 网络Beijing Review;BEIJING WEEKLY;Peking Review
  1. 《北京周报》是周刊。

    Beijing Review is published weekly .

  2. 本文作者是《北京周报》法文版的外国专家。

    The author is a foreign expert working at Beijing Review , French edition .

  3. 北京周报在桌子上放着。

    The Peking Review is on the desk .

  4. 这篇社论的译文刊登在1月14日出版的《北京周报》上。

    The editorial appeared in translation in the Jan. 14 issue of Beijing Review .

  5. 在案例的具体分析上,着重在北京周报的翻译策略、翻译过程以及翻译技巧三方面做了较为详尽的分析。

    Chapter two makes a specific analysis of the political document translation , focusing on strategy , process and technique in translation .

  6. 现有的197种外文期刊中,对外宣传期刊仅有19种,其中《今日中国》与《北京周报》最具代表性。

    Among the existing 197 kinds of foreign-language periodicals , there are only 19 which are aiming for introduce China to foreigners . The most representative are China Today and Beijing Weekly .

  7. 贵公司在《北京周报》上刊登广告,招聘外贸工作者。每个外贸工作者都必须具备客商第一,信誉第一的精神。

    I am applying for the job of international trade worker that you advertised in the October issue of Beijing Review . Everyone engaged in foreign trade should entertain the spirit of placing clients and reputation aBove every other consideration .