
  • 网络forestry policy
  1. 试论清代前期的林业政策和法规

    A Discussion on Forestry Policy and Law of Early Qing Dynasty

  2. 对我国林业政策绩效评价体系的思考

    Thought about the System of Forestry Policy Performance Evaluation in China

  3. 基于森林会计、专业统计与绿色GDP核算的统一问题,人力资本、社会资本纳入绿色GDP核算问题,以及绿色林业政策问题将是该领域未来的主要研究方向。

    Future study direction of this field will be harmony among accounting , professional statistics and green GDP accounting for forestry , bringing human capital and society capital into system of green GDP accounting , and green forestry policy .

  4. 对调整与优化林业政策有重要意义。

    It is important meaning to adjust and optimize forestry police .

  5. 浙江省林业政策问题及对策探讨

    On Problems and Countermeasures of Forestry Policies in Zhejiang Province

  6. 西部开发实施的林业政策评价

    Evaluation on Forestry Policy of Implementing the West Development Strategy

  7. 林业政策调整的总枢纽就是实行分类经营。

    The key to restructuring forestry policy is to implement classified management .

  8. 山西林业政策的滞后性及其法律规制&以忻州为例

    Lagging of the Shanxi 's Forestry Policy and Its Counter-measure

  9. 林业政策模拟模型研究&一个分析的框架

    A Study on the Simulation Model of Forestry Policy & An Analysis Framework

  10. 美国的林业政策和制度

    Forestry Policy and System in United States of America

  11. 林业政策系统运行问题探讨

    Discussing on the operation problems of forestry policy system

  12. 中国林业政策思想的历史渊源&论先秦诸子学说中的林业思想

    Historical Origins of Forestry Policy and Ideology in China

  13. 林业政策的制定关系到森林资源开发的好坏。

    The establishment of the forestry policy relates to the quality of forest resources .

  14. 政策评价也是我国林业政策过程中最薄弱的环节。

    Policy evaluation is the weakest part in the process of forestry policies in China .

  15. 提出了积极开展林业政策学研究的主要问题;论述了林业政策体系的构成及其内涵。

    Suggestions for the formation and implications of a new forest policy system are given .

  16. 论林业政策研究之要义

    On Main Points of Forest Policy Research

  17. 试论林业政策绩效评价

    Appraisal on the Performance of Forestry Policy

  18. 其著作《管子》中含有丰富的林业政策和管理思想。

    The book named " Guanzi " contains many statements about forest policy and administration .

  19. 澳大利亚的森林资源与林业政策

    Forest Resources and Forestry Policy in Australia

  20. 日本的主要林业政策与改革

    Forestry Policy and Reform in Japan

  21. 明清时期环北京地区的林业政策

    Policies for Ecological Protection and Forestry Development Taken in Beijing Area in Ming and Qing Dynasties

  22. 我国现行的林业政策对林业经济发展的障碍分析及对策

    The Analyses and Development Countermeasures of Forestry Economic Development Obstacles Caused by the Present Forestry Policy

  23. 中国林业政策和森林变化对气候变化的影响及对策研究

    Study on countermeasure and effects of forestry policy and forest change to climate change in China

  24. 分析了各历史时期林业政策的特点,并用现代科学的观点对其进行了评价,总结了历史的经验教训,得出了今后制定林业政策的几个原则。

    The characteristics of forestry policies in four Dynasties were analyses and evaluated in modern scientific view .

  25. 林业政策的制定与落实,离不开林业官员的参与。

    The formulation and implementation of forest policy can not do without the participation of forest officials .

  26. 长期稳定林业政策,增加林业政策透明度,强化政府服务职能等制度创新措施。

    And that forestry policies should be long stabilized and transparent and government role be properly played .

  27. 西北林业政策探析

    Northwest Forestry Policy Analysis

  28. 基于林业政策的商品林经营投资收益与投资风险研究

    Study on the Benefit and Risk of the Investment on the Commodity Forest Management Based on Forestry Policies

  29. 现代中国外商企业林业政策与法律环境优化对策研究

    Research on the Optimizing Countermeasures of Forestry Policy and Laws Environment for Foreign Enterprises Investing in Forestry in China

  30. 因此,认真研究和借鉴历史上的林业政策就成为一项很有意义的课题。

    Therefore it becomes a valuable issue to study and use for reference the historic forestry policies of China .