
pínɡ hénɡ zēnɡ zhǎnɡ
  • balanced growth
  1. 今天,我们为保障未来的繁荣采取了大胆和协调一致的行动,建立了新的“稳健、可持续与平衡增长框架“(FrameworkforStrong,SustainableandBalancedGrowth)。

    Today , we took bold and concerted action to secure that prosperity , and to forge a new Framework for Strong , Sustainable and Balanced Growth .

  2. 双方同意共同努力包括就相互评估的合作使20国集团的“强劲、可持续、平衡增长框架”(FrameworkforStrong,SustainableandBalancedGrowth)获得成功。

    The two sides agreed to work together , including through a cooperative process on mutual assessment to make the G-20 Framework for Strong , Sustainable and Balanced Growth a success .

  3. 世界各国领导人将同意在g20峰会上定期评估推进平衡增长的进展,同时imf将扮演支持角色,准备技术分析,但不会制定程序制裁未能完成任务的国家。

    World leaders will agree to review progress in advancing balanced growth at regular G20 summits , with the IMF given a supporting role preparing technical analysis , but there will be no process to sanction countries that do not deliver .

  4. 20国集团(G20)匹兹堡峰会周五结束时,世界各国领导人承诺开创经济合作的新时代,同意了有关银行家薪酬的新规则、紧凑的监管改革时间表,以及实现经济平衡增长的新框架。

    World leaders promised a new era of economic co-operation at the close of the G20 summit in Pittsburgh on Friday , endorsing new guidelines for bankers ' pay , a tight timetable for regulatory reform and a new framework for balanced growth .

  5. 若想实现平衡增长,就要求美国的财政政策作出显著改变。

    Balanced growth requires a dramatic change in US fiscal policy .

  6. 均衡观与价值观下的企业销售平衡增长

    Enterprise Sale Equilibrium Increases of the Balance and Value View

  7. 强制性技术变迁、不平衡增长与中国经济周期模型

    Compelled Technological Change , Unbalanced Growth , and China 's Business Cycle

  8. 从马尔萨斯陷阱到平衡增长:统一增长模型

    From Malthusian Stagnation to Balanced Growth : United Growth Model

  9. 不平衡增长战略及涪陵区工业发展研究

    On Unbalanced Growth Strategies for and Development of Fuling Industry

  10. 人口老龄化条件下的经济平衡增长路径

    The Balanced Economic Growth Path under the Aging Population

  11. 不平衡增长理论与耗散结构论

    Theory of Non-equilibrium Development and Theory of Dissipative Structure

  12. 推动平衡增长,为经济长远发展创造条件。

    First , promote balanced growth to create conditions for long-term economic development .

  13. 企业平衡增长管理策略研究

    On Management Strategy for a Balanced Growth of Enterprises

  14. 所有这些都将成为发展平衡增长这一更加宽泛目标的组成部分。

    All these things go into this broader goal of more balanced growth .

  15. 实现经济平衡增长的公共支出规模分析

    Analysis of the Scale of Public Expenditure that Results in Balanced Economic Growth

  16. 地区经济的平衡增长和模式选择

    Equilibrium Growth and Model Choice for Regional Economies

  17. 然而,中国远未实现平衡增长的目标。

    However , Beijing remains far from attaining its goal of achieving balanced growth .

  18. 非平衡增长与西部大开发

    Disproportionate Increase & the Development of Western China

  19. 区域经济协调发展中的不平衡增长

    District economy coordinative development 's unbalance growth

  20. 最小振荡条件下经济系统向平衡增长轨道转移模型

    Model for Economic System Transferring to Balancing Increased Orbit Under the Circumstance of Minimum Vibration

  21. 在确保全球平衡增长方面,人们做了很多文章。

    Much is made , rightly , of making sure that global growth is balanced .

  22. 促进世界经济强劲、可持续、平衡增长,对世界具有重要意义。

    Strong , sustainable and balanced economic growth is of great significance to the whole world .

  23. 多部门经济平衡增长研究

    Research on Multi-sector Economy Balanced Growth

  24. 我们要牢牢把握强劲、可持续、平衡增长三者的有机统一。

    We must recognize that " strong , sustainable and balanced growth " is an integral concept .

  25. 平衡增长与非平衡增长是关于发展中国家经济发展的两种不同的理论。

    Balanced increase and disproportionate increase are two different theories on the development of the developing countries .

  26. 本文希望从这一分工的特征和差异性出发,去研究服务业不平衡增长的机制。

    We hope to take this perspective into account to research the mechanism of unbalanced growth of services .

  27. 平衡增长框架

    Framework for balanced growth

  28. 将可持续增长定义为导致人均消费上升和环境改善的平衡增长路径。

    Define sustainable growth as a balanced growth path generating both rising consumption per capita and an improving environment .

  29. 分析师表示,该市场需要拓宽客户基础,并使其产品多样化,以取得平衡增长。

    Analysts said the market needed to broaden its customer base and diversify its products to achieve balanced growth .

  30. 总统及首相们推出了他们所谓的强势、可持续及平衡增长的构架。

    The presidents and prime ministers launched what they called a Framework for Strong , Sustainable and Balanced Growth .