
qián shēn
  • predecessor;prelife
前身 [qián shēn]
  • (1) [prelife]∶佛教用语。指轮回前的生命

  • (2) [predecessor]∶事物的上一个状态

前身[qián shēn]
  1. 为此,美国证券交易理事会(StockExchangeCouncil,SEC的前身)开始建议设立审计委员会。

    Therefore , American Stock Exchange Council ( the SEC predecessor ) started to suggest the establishment of audit committee .

  2. wto及其前身的早期成员国经过了几十年谈判,才降低了各自的贸易壁垒、并调整了国内法律法规使之符合wto规则的要求。

    Early members of the WTO and its predecessor have had decades to negotiate down their trade barriers , and to bring their domestic laws and regulations into compliance with WTO rules .

  3. 我们首先应大致看一下该理论在历史上的前身。

    We shall first look briefly at the historical antecedents of this theory .

  4. 我曾是“级长”乐队前身的主唱。

    I was the lead singer in the band that became the Prefects .

  5. 室内网球,现代网球运动的古老前身,起源于11世纪。

    Real tennis , an ancient precursor of the modern game , originated in the eleventh century

  6. 欧洲经济共同体是欧盟的前身。

    The European Economic Community is the forerunner of the European Union .

  7. 这个大学的前身是女子师范学校。

    This university grew out of the Women 's Normal school .

  8. 八路军的前身是工农红军。

    The Eighth Route Army grew out of the workers'and Peasants'Red army .

  9. adhoc网络的前身是分组无线网(PacketRadioNetwork)。

    The preexistence of mobile Ad Hoc network is packet radio network .

  10. 挪威的例子清楚表明,我们不可能重返欧盟在早期的前身共同市场(commonmarket)。

    The case of Norway illustrates perfectly why there is no route back to the common market , the early incarnation of the EU .

  11. 另外,我们的光谱拟合可以为C+O星作为Ic型超新星的前身星提供证据。

    The modeling may provide evidence for C + O stars as progenitors of Type Ic supernovae .

  12. Windows10移动版:这版的前身是windowsphone8.1,它将在智能手机和平板上以更小的显示界面运转。

    Windows 10 Mobile : Formerly Windows Phone 8.1 , this edition will run on smartphones and tablets with smaller displays .

  13. Windows10移动企业版:这款版本的前身是WindowsPhoneforBusiness,是针对智能手机和小尺寸平板的企业版。

    Windows 10 Mobile Enterprise : Formerly Windows Phone for Business , Windows 10 Mobile Enterprise is the enterprise edition for smartphones and smaller tablets .

  14. 让我们回顾一下应用程序如何在JavaEE5及其J2EE™前身中使用不同的协议。

    Think of how applications use different protocols in Java EE5 and its J2EE ™ predecessors .

  15. Ia型超新星的爆发机制及其前身星模型

    The Explosion Models and Progenitors of Type la Supernovae

  16. 但是,当他在一年后回到波士顿时,这成为了他的新事业,也成了基于语音的手机应用公司VoiceDream的前身。

    But it became his new career - and theprecursor to voice-based mobile app company , Voice Dream - when hereturned to Boston a year later .

  17. 现今的世贸组织是1995年成立的,它的前身是GATT--GeneralAgreementonTariffsandTrade--关税和贸易总协定。

    It was founded in 1995 , replacing an organization known as the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( GATT ) .

  18. 它的前身是AFS文件系统,它适合在网络连接没有保障的环境中使用。

    Coda is suitable for the environment in which the network connection is not stable .

  19. 前身为美国国家秘书协会(NationalSecretariesAssociation)的美国行政管理职业协会(InternationalAssociationofAdministrativeProfessionals,简称IAAP)表示,具备大学文凭是担任高级助理的必要条件。

    According to the US 's International Association of Administrative Professionals , formerly the National Secretaries Association , college degrees are necessary for high-level assistants .

  20. HB报业集团是中国第一家企业法人制报业集团,其前身是一家事业单位。

    HB press group is the first corporative enterprise of Chinese Press , it is a government-sponsored institution previously .

  21. 华润集团成立于1938年,前身是香港联和行(Liow&Co),当初为抗日根据地筹集资金购买军需物资。

    Formed in 1938 and previously known as Hong Kong 's Liow & Co. it was initially credited with raising money for weapons for Chinese to fight Japanese forces .

  22. 釉砂和玻砂是古玻璃的前身,和古玻璃相比有着不同的成分组成和化学结构。新型生物组织成像技术-光学CT对牙釉质早期脱矿检出效能的实验评价

    As the precursor of ancient glasses , faience and frit have different chemical compositions and structures from true ancient glasses . Experimental estimate of detection efficacy on early enamel demineralization by the dental OCT

  23. 根据世贸组织的官方统计,截至2005年7月,向世贸组织及其前身关贸总协定通知备案的区域贸易协定总计达330个,且只有一个WTO成员蒙古没有和任何国家缔结区域贸易协定。

    There are 330 RTAs recorded to WTO and its predecessor GATT until July 2005 except Mongolia that is the only one of WTO that has not reached any agreement with other countries .

  24. Diameter源自其前身RADIUS协议,进行了很多改进,通常被视为下一代AAA协议。

    Diameter was derived from its predecessor , the RADIUS protocol , with many improvements , and it is generally regarded as the next generation protocol for AAA .

  25. 本文制备了担载在Al2O3上的十二钨硅酸(SiW(12))为前身态的加氢脱氮催化剂。用XRD、IR表征了催化剂的表面结构。

    In this paper , 12-silicotungstic acid ( SiW12 ) supported on Al2O3 as catalyst precursor of hydrodenitrogenation ( HDN ) was prepared by incipient impregnation method .

  26. 它的前身是车飞与章雪峰2004年在德国建立的IDA建筑工作室。

    The predecessor of CU office is the instinctive Dynamic Architecture ( IDA ) Established in2004 in Weimar of Germany .

  27. 欧盟(EuropeanUnion),前身为欧共体,是由原欧洲共体成员国家根据《欧洲联盟条约》(也称《马斯特里赫特条约》)组成的国际组织,目前拥有25个会员国。

    The European Union ( EU ) is an intergovernmental organization of European countries , which currently has 25 members based on the European Communities and founded to enhance political , economic and social co-operation .

  28. 时至今日,WTO及其前身GATT已经走过了半个多世纪的历程。这期间,目睹了世界经济情势的巨大变迁。

    WTO and its precedent GATT have undergone a course of over half a century by now , during which the world has witnessed dramatic changes in international economy .

  29. 现在谁还记得播客网站Odeo是Twitter的前身呢?

    After all , how many of us still remember odeo as the precursor to twitter ?

  30. 安装维和喷嘴的位置相同,其前身尊重“联合国泵”的MSN设计。

    Mounting dimension and nozzle location same as its predecessor , the respected " United Pump " MSN design .